Parking regulations

Conestoga parking rules & regulations

1. Summary of conditions

Conestoga College Parking Permits:

In purchasing a permit the holder agrees:

  1. Permits may not be sold, exchanged, given away, or purchased from or issued by any person, or agency, other than Conestoga's Parking Services.
  2. It is the permit holder's responsibility to ensure their vehicle, licence plate and contact information is always up to date and accurate in the Parking Portal.
  3. If cancelling a permit, promptly inform Parking Services via email.
  4. To not park in any designated Visitor or other designated spaces.
  5. To park in designated areas only. All other areas, whether signed or not, are no parking zones. This includes road shoulders, grassed areas, sidewalks, interlock bricked areas and any other area that is not specifically designated as a parking area.
  6. To abide by the rules and regulations detailed herein and obey all parking and traffic requests made by Parking Services, city bylaw officers and the police.
  7. To obey all regulatory traffic signs on campus and exercise caution while driving and parking within the lots. Pedestrians have the right-of-way.
  8. Usage of the lots is at the driver's own risk. Conestoga College assumes no responsibility for any damage to a motor vehicle or any loss of the vehicle or its contents due to thefts or damage while driven or parked on campus.
Failure to comply with any of the above could result in the cancellation of the permit.      
2. Authority
  1. These regulations are authorized by the president of Conestoga College acting on the advice of the College Campus Council within the power granted by the governing bodies.
  2. All persons using the college parking facilities are subject to the regulations detailed herein. By accepting a parking permit and/or parking on campus, applicants agree to abide by these regulations.
  3. The Parking Services manager is responsible for the supervision and administration of parking lots. Any questions concerning parking areas should be referred to Parking Services.
  4. Neither Conestoga College, its employees, nor any person employed by a third party and performing work on behalf of Conestoga College, shall be responsible for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents, however caused.
  5. These regulations reflect the current policies of Parking Services including the current availability of parking spaces. Should parking conditions change, Parking Services reserves the right to modify these regulations.
  6. Violations of parking regulations, improper or dishonest use of parking permits, failure to pay fees, or failure to comply with instructions from Parking Services may result in the withdrawal of parking privileges.
3. Parking and traffic regulations
  1. Conestoga College campuses are private property. The college reserves the right to control motor vehicle access, driving and parking on campus. This is done in accordance with these regulations, as well as the provisions of the current Trespass to Property Act. All vehicles parked on college property must:
    • have a parking permit valid for the date and designated area, or
    • have an authorized visitor or contractor pass, or
    • pay and register vehicle with HonkMobile.
  2. All vehicles, including motorcycles, must be properly aligned between marked lines. No vehicle shall occupy more than one space. Other vehicles parked improperly shall not constitute a valid appeal for parking improperly.
  3. Persons operating motor vehicles on campus must obey all posted traffic signs and comply with the instructions of Parking Services and Safety and Security.
  4. While parking in all lots, persons operating motor vehicles will make proper use of the marked spaces, leaving aisles, entrances and exits unobstructed. Please do not block other vehicles. Offending vehicles are subject to enforcement or towing.
  5. Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit on all campus roads is 15 km/h.
  6. Parking is enforced at all times (times for enforcement are subject to change). Evening parking for classes and weekend parking is available, but no overnight parking is allowed.
  7. No overnight parking is allowed on college property on any day. Only authorized vehicles approved by Safety and Security are allowed to park overnight.
  8. Parking spaces for persons with disabilities are located throughout the college and are designated with an accessible parking symbol. Vehicles parking in these areas must have purchased daily, hourly, monthly or term parking and display a provincial accessible parking permit.
  9. College vehicles, contractor permits and college-issued electronic permits are not transferrable to personal vehicles.
  10. All roads on Conestoga College are designated fire routes and are enforced as regulated by city bylaws.
  11. It is the responsibility of the registered owner of any vehicle parked on college property to ensure the vehicle is maintained so fluids including gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, hydraulic fluid and coolant are not allowed to escape into the environment. All costs incurred by the college to clean up leaked fluid and remove the vehicle shall become the responsibility of the registered owner.
  12. Please note that the number of parking spaces available is limited, and the purchase of a permit does not guarantee that a space will always be available.
4. Permit holders
  1. It is the responsibility of the owner or operator of a vehicle to know and comply with these regulations. Failure to comply could result in the issue of a parking ticket or a tow at the owner and operator's risk and expense. If you park illegally and do not find a parking ticket on your vehicle, do not assume you did not get one. It is possible that someone removed it from your vehicle.
  2. Only one permit will be issued for each permit fee paid.
5. Payment for permits
  1. Full-time employees (with the exception of contract employees) have the option of selecting payment through payroll deduction upon completing the purchase of a parking permit. Payroll deductions will be applied in equal monthly instalments. Deductions will take place on the second pay of the month for the previous month of use.
  2. Payment for student parking permits may be made online by American Express, Visa, MasterCard or debit.
  3. Parking permits will not be issued to accounts with outstanding parking fees.

Cancellations and refunds

  1. Employees and students wishing to cancel their permit must inform Parking Services via email.
  2. Refunds for cancelled permits will be issued in accordance with the refund policy posted on the Parking Services website.
  3. It is the permit holder's responsibility to inform Parking Services of the cancelled permit by the stated dates in order to receive the stated refund amount.
  4. A telephone call is not an acceptable method of cancellation.
  5. Payroll deductions will not be stopped or refunds authorized until the permit and completed cancellation form has been received by Parking Services.
  6. A permit must be cancelled when college employment is terminated. Please note that if you are re-applying for a permit after cancelling a permit, you are not guaranteed availability in your desired area.
Medical: withdrawal from a program as a result of a documented medical cause will receive a prorated refund according to the refund schedule.
Grade Withdrawal: withdrawals from a program as a result of not achieving a passing grade will receive a refund according to the refund schedule within two weeks of notification.

Payment for hourly and daily parking

  1. Visitors may park in a regular parking space with a valid daily pass or guest parking permit.
  2. Failure to pay will result in a parking ticket and/or a tow of the vehicle at the owner’s expense.
  3. Parking Services has no authority to rescind parking tickets.
  4. The daily pass rates may be adjusted occasionally, according to market conditions. All prices include HST.
6. Special circumstances
  1. During periods of construction or snow removal, permit holders may be required to park their vehicle in a different location for an extended period of time.
  2. Where necessitated by special events or other circumstances, Parking Services reserves the right to relocate permit holders within the college campus.
  3. Any requests for special consideration must be submitted in writing to Parking Services. The parking committee will assemble as necessary, to consider requests or complaints. The committee's decision is final; a written reply will be provided.
  4. In order for a third party (such as a parent, guardian, partner, sibling or friend) to conduct business with the college on your behalf, the third party requires a letter of authorization from the permit holder.
  5. Any vehicle that requires parking for loading and unloading in a non-designated parking space must contact Parking Services for authorization. Time will not exceed 15 minutes, unless authorized by Parking Services.
7. Enforcement
  1. The parking lots at Conestoga College are monitored by police, parking enforcement and security guards who will issue parking tickets.
  2. Failure to park in a designated space, failure to park in the designated lot on your permit or pass, or failure to pay for parking can result in a parking ticket and/or towed at the owner's expense.
  3. Parking on campus roads, grass, marked lines or marked areas is prohibited. Any vehicle that has outstanding parking violations or is parked in a reserved area may be towed with the expense paid by the owner or operator. Any vehicles parked on campus that are unauthorized, parked in a fire route or in violation of parking regulations are subject to an immediate tow, with the expense paid by the owner or operator.
  4. The permit holder may only park one (1) vehicle registered to the associated permit purchased at a time. If more than one vehicle is parked at the same time on any Conestoga College property under the same permit account, both vehicles will be subject to parking tickets governed by Conestoga College's Parking Regulations.
  5. Municipal parking tickets are payable to the city in which the ticket is written. Vehicles towed will be released upon payment of towing and storage charges. These rates are set by the city and are liable to change without notice.
  6. The permit holder and/or the responsible party involved may be charged with fraud under the Criminal Code if a permit is found to be altered or manufactured.
  7. Parking policy violation fees are payable upon issuance of the ticket.
  8. Unpaid parking policy violation fees will be subject to additional administration fees, along with any fees required to identify the registered owner and may also result in the:
    1. suspension of parking privileges,
    2. referral to a private collection agency,
    3. college sanctions and/or legal action,
    4. withholding of marks/transcripts and student account placed on hold
    5. vehicle tow.
  9. Parking policy violation fees and penalties may be paid by credit card, debit online or in person at Parking Services.
8. Cancellations, refunds and appeals

Parking privileges may be cancelled for non-payment of parking tickets, repeated violations, obvious disregard of regulations, supplying false or incomplete information to obtain parking privileges, misuse of a permit or using altered duplicated or otherwise unauthorized permits.     


Cancelled parking privileges will be reinstated at Parking Services when all outstanding parking policy violation fees and penalties have been paid.     

Parking Committee

Any person charged with a violation of these regulations may appeal. Violations must be appealed online within five days. Appeals will not be accepted in person or by email. The parking committee will assemble as necessary to consider appeals in respect to parking. The committee's decision is final; a written reply will be provided.     

9. Troubleshooting


If you are involved in an accident you should exchange your details with the driver of the other vehicle. If the driver of the other vehicle is not present or fails to stop, report the incident to Safety and Security. You will be given advice on how to proceed. Police and emergency services can be called if required.