Testing Services

Conestoga offers a variety of testing and assessment services to prospective and current students, the general public and employers. The list below outlines information and contact details for assessments that Conestoga delivers.

Current Conestoga students

eConestoga online testing

Online exam proctoring services are being used in courses through Respondus Monitor. Online proctoring provides convenience for students to take exams from an off-campus location while assuring academic integrity. Respondus transmits data outside of Canada. Students who do not wish to submit their information to other countries have the right to opt-out. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor if they, in the first week of term or at the time assignment details are provided, wish to submit an alternate assignment.

The decision to deliver a proctored online exam is made by individual instructors. Students should consult their course outline or directly with their instructors to determine if exams will be proctored online.                         

System requirements

Before you begin your exam, you should confirm your system meets the requirements to work with the proctoring service. You will need a:

  • Computer that meets the system requirements
  • Microphone
  • Webcam
  • Conestoga student ID or government-issued photo ID

You should expect the start-up process to take about 10-15 minutes, however, this time will not affect your exam duration. You should also review the Respondus Monitor Student Guide (pdf).

Book accommodated tests

Students with approved accessibility accommodations related to testing have the option to write at their campus test centre. Testing appointments can be requested through the Test Centre section of Accommodate. If a test is not listed as available to book, students should contact their faculty to have them add the test to the system.

Testing appointments must be requested at least 7 days in advance (14 days for mid-terms and final exams). It is the student's responsibility to keep track of upcoming test dates and request appointments in advance.

For details, please refer to Book a test.                         

Conestoga faculty

Accommodated tests

"Test accommodations" are accommodations that are required to write/complete the test, and include, but are not limited to: extra time, use of assistive technology for reading and writing, and memory aids. If a student is approved for testing accommodations and would like to utilize them, the faculty will be required to schedule any applicable tests with Testing & Assessment Services.                            

For more information, please refer to Accessible Learning on the Student Success SharePoint site.                         

Make-up tests

"Make-up testing" refers to any tests or exams that are administered to students who are required to test outside of scheduled class time due to a conflict or special consideration. Examples of make-up testing include student illness, missed assignment due to inclement weather, and final exam conflicts.

For more information, please refer to Testing & Assessment Services on the Student Success SharePoint site.                         


Academic Upgrading

​If you are interested in Academic Upgrading, you will start with general academic assessments to determine the level of your academic knowledge and skills in math and communications. The results of the assessment assist you and your teacher to develop an individualized learning plan to reach your educational goals successfully.                                        

Availability: By appointment                                        

Cost: No cost if eligibility criteria is met; contact upgrading@conestogac.on.ca

How to register: Email upgrading@conestogac.on.ca

More information: Academic Upgrading                                  

Pre-admission assessments - English, Math, Biology, and Chemistry

If you do not meet the English, Math, Biology, and/or Chemistry requirements for your program of choice, you may be asked to write a pre-admission assessment to determine your academic readiness for the program.                                


  • Online using third-party testing platforms, Accuplacer & ProctorU.
  • In person at the Kitchener - Doon campus, Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Some dates may be excluded.

Please note: the Mature English and Mature Math assessments are not age specific, but program specific, as advised by the admissions office.                                


  • Online option: $28 USD for each assessment.
  • In person option: $30 CAD for each assessment.

How to register:                                  

Complete the online Request for Pre-admission Testing form.                               

Please note: Students are allowed one rewrite per year for each assessment. The same fees apply to rewrite an assessment.                               

Who to contact:                                 

  • For more information on program requirements, please contact the Admissions Office.
  • For more information on the assessment process, please contact the Test Centre by emailing testingservices@conestogac.on.ca or calling 548-889-0130 (select option 2).

Test information:                                 

  • English: 108 questions, 110 minutes
  • Math: 72-100 questions, 120 minutes
  • Biology: 30 questions, 50 minutes
  • Chemistry: 31 questions, 60 minutes
  • Mature Math - specific programs only: 64 questions, 120 minutes
  • Mature English - specific programs only: 104 questions, 110 minutes
  • Calculators and other resources are not permitted, with exception for individuals with approved testing accommodations

To help you prepare for the assessments, please reference the sample tests below:

Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR)

Conestoga recognizes prior learning of skills, knowledge, or competencies that have been acquired through employment, non-formal learning or other life experiences. Prior learning must be measureable at the required academic level and meet Conestoga standards of achievement for current courses. Challenge exams and portfolio development are the primary methods of assessment. Other methods of& assessment may be available depending upon the nature of the course objectives. Successful completion of the assessment results in a course credit recorded on an official Conestoga transcript. PLAR cannot be used by registered Conestoga students to clear academic deficiencies or to improve grades. PLAR is an optional process and is not used to obtain admission into a program.

View the PLAR policy and procedure.      

More information:

Contact the Transfer Credit and PLAR Office at CreditTransfer@conestogac.on.ca or 519-748-5220, ext. 2397, or visit the Credit Transfer and PLAR Office.      

English language

Conestoga English Language Assessment and Placement (CELAP) test

The Conestoga English Language Assessment and Placement test (CELAP) is an English language assessment instrument used at Conestoga College to evaluate the English language proficiency of English language learners for admission to Conestoga programs.

As its title reveals, CELAP has two purposes: assessment and placement. As a placement test, the CELAP test is offered to English language learners who would like to take the English Language Studies program. As an assessment, the CELAP test will be offered to people who want to go straight to their main program at Conestoga but need to demonstrate that they have met the language requirement for the English component of their application. This assessment is for people whose first language is not English.


The CELAP measures English language skills:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Speaking

The CELAP test is on online assessment. You will need a web camera and a microphone. You will need to be alone in a quiet place. When you begin the test, you will take your picture and you will be asked for government-issued photo ID.

Once you start the test, it must be completed within 100 minutes. We suggest you take 30 minutes for each of the Writing, Reading and Listening sections, and 10 minutes for the Speaking section.

Assessment fee

The CELAP assessment fee is $95.

  • ELS students: this fee is included in your tuition.
  • Non-ELS students: please pay the CELAP assessment fee through the Conestoga College Campus Store.

Preparing for the CELAP

Knowing the format of the test is the first step towards being prepared for the placement test.

  1. Writing: This section requires you to write an essay of approximately 200 words on a given topic. It should include standard essay conventions like an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  2. Reading: This section focuses on academic reading, vocabulary, various comprehension questions as well as a written summary.
  3. Listening: This section has two listening texts. The section focuses on conversational and academic listening. There are various comprehension questions as well as an oral summary.
  4. Speaking: This section requires you to speak clearly into your microphone to respond to 3 sets of questions for 1~2 minutes per question.

CELAP placement results

CELAP is currently being used as a placement test only. Students use this test to begin their studies in the English Language Studies program. Students will be placed in ONE of the following levels:

  • Foundations (beginning Fall 2025) - Beginner
  • Level 1 - High Beginner
  • Level 2 - Low Intermediate
  • Level 3 - High Intermediate
  • Level 4 - Advanced

Placement results are communicated via email within 7-10 business days. The placement results are valid for one year.

English language proficiency is demonstrated with a minimum CELAP test score of:

  • 75, for diploma* and certificate programs.
  • 82, for graduate certificate and degree programs.

*For exceptions, please refer to English language requirements.

What happens if I do not like the placement decision?

If you do not achieve the level you desire, you have the following options:

  1. Self-study
  2. Access English language training through another program, pending eligibility (e.g. Conestoga's LINC program)
  3. Rewrite the CELAP within a four-month period


For more information about CELAP, please email Liliana Pereira Melo

Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP)

Conestoga College collaborates with Paragon Testing Enterprises, a subsidiary of The University of British Columbia, and is an appointed CELPIP Test.

CELPIP is a set of English language proficiency tests used to assess an individual's English language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The test is fully computer-delivered. Candidates must be familiar with computer usage and have basic keyboard and word processing skills.            

The CELPIP test comes in two versions to suit different organizational needs.            

CELPIP - General assesses listening, speaking, reading and writing proficiency in typical everyday situations. This test is designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada as proof of English language proficiency for those applying to immigrate to Canada. This test is also used by employers requiring proof of English language proficiency of their prospective employees.            

CELPIP - General LS assesses listening and speaking proficiency in typical everyday situations. This test is designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada as proof of listening and speaking proficiency for thoseapplying for Canadian citizenship.            

For more information about English language requirements, please visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada.            

Availability: View the full list of test dates and locations at Conestoga.                                         

Cost: View the full list of fees and payment options.                                         

How to register: Register online at CELPIP.                                         

Who to contact: Please contact the CELPIP office by email at info@celpip.ca, by phone toll free at 1-800-958-5186, or online at CELPIP.                                         

Sample test: A sample test is available at https://www.celpip.ca/free/.                               

More information Visit CELPIP for more information.

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

IELTS is designed to assess the English language proficiency of people who intend to study or work where English is the language of communication. Listening, reading, writing and speaking skills are assessed.                   

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is an internationally recognized language test designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication.

Conestoga hosts Canada’s first official IELTS Testing Centre, and administers IELTS tests in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia. For more information, including upcoming test dates and registration procedures, visit the IELTS website.                   

Industry specific

Apprenticeship exemption test

Conestoga College offers apprentice testing for qualifying students who are registered with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD). Non-apprentices can also challenge the in-school portion of the program starting at level one.


Apprentice testing is available at the Cambridge - Reuter Drive campus on Tuesdays by appointment. Some dates may be excluded.


$155.00 per Apprenticeship Exemption Test

How to register:                  

Who to contact:                  

After reviewing the request form, if you require more information on the process of exemption testing for apprentices and non-apprentices, please email apprenticetesting@conestogac.​​on.ca​ or call 548-889-0130 (select option 3).

Sample test:                  

There are no available sample tests, however, test break downs can be provided once registration has been completed.

More information:                  

For more information on employment, training, and certification, visit:             

Ontario Mathematics Proficiency Test (MPT)

As of February 1, 2025, the Mathematics Proficiency Test (MPT) is a certification requirement for all Ontario teacher applicants to the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT). This computer-based test is offered in English or French. Conestoga College is a service provider of the MPT, administering the test remotely and on campus in Brantford, Milton and Waterloo.                 

For more information, please visit About the Test or email mpt@conestogac.on.ca.                 

Test of Workplace Essential Skills (TOWES)

The demands of changing workplaces require employees to keep pace with new technologies, safety and productivity standards. It is important for employers to ensure workers have the skills necessary to adapt. TOWES assesses reading text, document use and numeracy the test taker must solve problems and complete tasks using real Canadian workplace documents.                

Purpose of TOWES:                   

  • Employers use TOWES as a pre-screening tool for hiring and training decisions.
  • Employees use TOWES to assess their current level of proficiency, related to their occupation or career goals.
  • Unemployed individuals and career changers can use TOWES to identify their skill level or gaps related to particular job category.
  • Graduating students can take a TOWES credential to their employment interviews.

Cost and availability:

  • The cost of the assessment is $79.50 + HST, a non-refundable fee.
  • Please note some unemployed individuals may qualify for financial assistance to cover the cost of the test.
  • Inquire about the availability of group assessments at work sites or larger group assessments.

TOWES is the sole property of Bow Valley College and Conestoga College is an authorized distributor. Visit www.towes.com for more information about other products and research regarding essential skills.

For more information about TOWES at Conestoga College, contact Kathryn Richards at 519-748-5220, ext. 5605, or krichards@conestogac.on.ca.

Additional resources:                   

Invigilating/proctoring services

Proctoring/invigilating services

​Conestoga offers invigilation services for candidates looking to have external universities and colleges tests and exams proctored/invigilated.                    


Proctoring/invigilating services is available at Conestoga's Kitchener - Doon campus, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Some dates may be excluded.                    


  • $40 per hour of testing
  • Payment to be made upon check in at Conestoga's Doon Test Centre via debit/credit. Cash payments cannot be accepted.
  • If you do not attend your confirmed testing appointment without notifying the Test Centre in advance, a $25 cancellation fee will be applied.

How to register:

Complete the online Individual External Invigilation Request Form.

Please note: Once the test date and time is confirmed by Conestoga's Test Centre, it is the tester's responsibility to ask the external institution to send the test to Conestoga's Doon Test Centre.

Who to contact:                    

For more information not found on the form, please email testingservices@conestogac.on.ca or call 548-889-0130 (select option 3).