Terms and definitions

Admission information

This page provides definitions of the terms used in the admissions process.

Admission to a program

Applicants must meet admission requirements in order to be considered eligible for admission to a program. Meeting minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission into a program.

Program requirements

The subject requirement(s) and supplemental requirements as identified by each program.

Subject requirements

The specific subjects required for admission. Note: Co-op courses do not meet admission requirements and are not used in the calculation of academic strength.

Supplemental requirements

Include, but are not limited to, mandatory information meetings, portfolios, interviews, resumes and questionnaires.

Academic strength

Academic strength is calculated by averaging the submitted marks of required subjects. If more than one mark is received for a required subject, the highest mark will be used in the calculation.

Applicants with the highest academic strength are considered for admission or further applicant assessment. The minimum academic strength varies from year to year and acceptance to a program is dependent on the number of applications received, the academic strength of the applicants and the program capacity. During the selection process, marks may be reviewed on an individual basis. As a result, applicants with low grades in the required subjects may not be considered.         

Note: For all certificate, diploma and advanced diploma programs, marks for required courses will be awarded a 10-mark bonus as follows:         

  • Any U Level high school course
  • Any U/C or M level high school course
  • Any high school courses at the advanced level from the old Ontario curriculum - Advanced Level, OAC
  • Any post-secondary course delivered through recognized institutions

Courses delivered through Conestoga College Preparatory Studies which have been deemed to be taught at the U, U/C or Advanced level will be awarded the 10-mark bonus as follows:

  • Preparatory Chemistry
  • Preparatory Physics
  • Preparatory Biology

Bonus marks will NOT be applied to academic strength calculations for any degree or post-graduate programs.

Secondary school full disclosure

If a subject has been repeated, only the highest grade will be used in the calculation of academic strength.

Mid-term grades

If mid-term marks from relevant subjects are available at the time admission decisions are made, they will be used in the calculation of the academic strength. In some cases, decisions will be delayed until a mid-term grade is received. Grade 11 marks from the relevant subjects may be used temporarily in the academic strength calculation until mid-term marks of the required level are available. Please see important information in "Oversubscribed Programs" below regarding the use of mid-term grades and Grade 11 marks when calculating academic strength in oversubscribed programs.

Further applicant assessment

Some programs require that applicants are assessed using other selection criteria. These may include such things as questionnaires, information meeting attendance, portfolios, specific skills demonstration and/or additional assessment of required subjects.

Pre-admissions testingPre-Assessment Math, English, Biology and Chemistry Testing

If you do not meet the English, Mathematics, Chemistry and/or Biology requirements for the certificate or diploma program of your choice, you can write pre-admission assessments to determine your academic readiness for a program. Note: Pre-admission testing is not available for degree programs.                          

Testing is available in Mathematics, English, Chemistry and Biology only.                          

Offer of acceptance

This letter is mailed when an applicant is accepted for admission to a program. An offer of acceptance will appear on the applicant’s ontariocolleges.ca application. Most offers of acceptance for fall semester programs are not mailed prior to the end of March.

Confirmation of acceptance

An offer of acceptance must be confirmed before the deadline indicated on the offer of acceptance letter or the applicant may lose the space in the program. Offers of acceptance should be confirmed online at ontariocolleges.ca or by contacting the ontariocolleges.ca Customer Contact Centre at 1-888-892-2228.

Conditional offer of acceptance

Conditional offers of acceptance may be made to applicants who are in the process of completing program-required courses. A conditional offer means a place in the program is being held, however, the offer must be confirmed before the deadline indicated on the letter. Selection benchmarks and all other conditions must be satisfied before the offer is finalized. Offers of acceptance will be rescinded if the Registrar does not receive final transcripts showing successful completion of the requirements before registration.

Wait list

A wait list is established when the number of acceptable applicants exceeds the number of spaces available in the program. As space becomes available in the program, confirmed wait list applicants are moved into the program based on academic strength and the date on which ontariocolleges.ca received the application. Wait list offers must be confirmed on the Student Portal under "Wait list Confirmation". After you have submitted your wait list confirmation, your wait list offer will no longer show on the portal and you will receive an email confirming your acceptance of a position on the wait list.         

If the wait list offer is conditional, the applicant should continue his or her studies in order to meet the program benchmarks and subsequently be qualified for admission into the program should an offer of admission be granted.

Medical criteria

Some programs require students to have certain medical and health criteria. Confirmed applicants receive a package of information by mail or email. Students must submit completed forms by the deadline indicated and meet all medical criteria. These are necessary for clinical/field placement. Failure to meet criteria could result in cancellation of the admission offer.

English language requirements

Standard program English language requirements

For all diploma and certificate programs, except those listed below in program exceptions, applicants with transcripts from institutions where the language of instruction is not English must demonstrate English language proficiency with a minimum test score on one of the following language proficiency tests or equivalent scores from another internationally recognized English language test:  

  • IELTS overall band of 6 with no band less than 5.5
  • TOEFL iBT 80 (Effective January 2024 - no individual skill less than 20)
  • CAEL 70 with minimum 60 writing, no sub-test band score less than 30
  • PTE Academic 53
  • CELAP (Conestoga English Language Assessment and Placement) - 75 or higher for diploma and certificate programs
  • Cambridge Exams minimum score of 170, with no individual skill less than 165

Program exceptions for English language requirements

Applicants must be able to receive instruction and respond in English (except for English Language Studies applicants).

Applicants with transcripts from institutions where the language of instruction is not English who are applying to:

  • all graduate certificate programs
  • applied degree programs
  • Advertising and Marketing Communications
  • Fitness and Health Promotion
  • Food Processing Technician (Optional Co-op)
  • Hearing Instrument Specialist diploma program
  • Journalism
  • Massage Therapy diploma program
  • Nutrition and Food Service Management
  • Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant
  • Practical Nursing diploma program
  • Public Relations diploma program
  • Respiratory Therapy advanced diploma program

must demonstrate English language proficiency with a minimum test score on one of the following language proficiency tests or equivalent scores from another internationally recognized English language test:       

  • IELTS overall band of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0
    • For the Hearing Instrument Specialist and Massage Therapy programs, applicants must have an overall band of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 except the speaking band which must be 8.0
    • For the Medical Laboratory Science and Technical Communications programs, applicants must have an overall band of 7.0, a writing band no less than 6.5, and no band less than 6.0.
    • For the Applied Research program, applicants must have an IELTS (Academic) with an overall band of 7.0, a writing band no less than 7.0, and no band less than 6.0.
  • TOEFL iBT 88 (Effective January 2024 - no individual skill less than 22)
    • For the Hearing Instrument Specialist program, the minimum score is 93, with Speaking 27
  • CAEL 70, no sub-test band score less than 60
    • For the Hearing Instrument Specialist program, a minimum of 80 is required for Speaking
  • PTE Academic 58
    • For the Hearing Instrument Specialist program, a minimum of 84 is required for Speaking
  • CELAP (Conestoga English Language Assessment and Placement) - 82 or higher for exception diploma, graduate certificate and degree programs
  • Cambridge Exams minimum score of 180, with no individual skill less than 170
  • General Arts and Science - English Language Studies (ELS) program - completion of level 4 with an overall grade average of 80% and no grade less than 75%

Pharmacy Technician applicants must meet the NAPRA language proficiency requirements for licensure as a pharmacy technician in Canada. See the NAPRA Language Proficiency Requirement Policy (pdf) for details.

Priority for consideration

Where eligible applicants exceed the number of program spaces, priority order for consideration is: (a) Ontario permanent residents, (b) permanent residents of other Canadian provinces/territories, and (c) applicants from other countries.       

Oversubscribed programs

A program is considered oversubscribed when the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of offers being sent. Most oversubscribed programs do not accept applications later than February 1 (for fall programs), July 15 (for winter programs), and November 1 (for spring programs). Many oversubscribed programs are full after the first round of admission decisions is made. This means that admission decisions are based on the marks available in early February. This may be a combination of final grades in required courses, mid-term grades in required courses, or marks from relevant grade 11 courses. If the program is full prior to the college receiving second semester mid-term grades, we will NOT re-calculate the academic strength based on the second semester grades. However, we will use available second semester grades to determine the position on the wait list of applicants who have received a wait list offer.

  • Bachelor of Science - Nursing (Honours)
  • Carpentry and Renovation Technician (Optional Co-op)
  • Commercial Flight Operations
  • Construction Techniques
  • Electrical Technician - Industrial (Co-op)
  • Electrical Techniques
  • Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Paramedic
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Powerline Technician (Co-op)
  • Practical Nursing
  • Pre-Service Firefighter Education and Training
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • Veterinary Technician

Students living outside of Ontario are not eligible for oversubscribed programs.       

If your transcripts are from outside of Canada, you will need to obtain a course-by-course comprehensive evaluation. You can use an approved provider of credential evaluation services such as ICAS or WES, or you can request a credential evaluation through the college using the Assessment of International Credentials for Admissions and Credit Transfer online form. Please request this evaluation at least six weeks prior to the equal consideration date to ensure we have enough time to process your application.       

Mature student status

A mature student is one who is 19 years of age or older as of the first day of classes without an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent. If you possess an OSSD, regardless of your age or number of years out of high school, you will be considered on the basis of your OSSD and mature student status does not apply. If specific subject requirements are indicated, all applicants must possess those subject requirements regardless of whether they are applying as mature students; however, college, university and upgrading equivalencies may be used if applicants do not possess the appropriate subject requirements or wish to improve their grades.

Mature students must demonstrate their potential to work at the post-secondary level in one of two ways:

  • by successfully completing equivalency testing in English and/or mathematics; or
  • by completing a program of academic upgrading at a level appropriate to the program of choice.

Applicants who have been out of high school for several years should contact our academic upgrading office to assess, review and refresh academic skills to be well-prepared for success at the post-secondary level. Participating in academic upgrading also provides applicants with the opportunity to increase their marks for competitive college programs. The college offers several ways for applicants to enhance their basic skills and improve their chances for admission on either a full-time or part-time basis. The Academic and Career Entrance certificate (ACE) is recognized as a Grade 12 equivalent for the purpose of admission at all Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology for apprenticeship training and by many major employers. For program and course information, contact the College Information Centre at 519-748-5220, ext. 3656.

Home-schooled applicants

Conestoga welcomes applications from home-schooled applicants. Home-schooled applicants must meet the appropriate admission requirements, including subject requirements and any other college or program-specific criteria. Home-schooled applicants must provide the appropriate pre-requisite courses on official transcripts from an accredited Ontario school and meet the required admission average(s). Where appropriate, the home-schooled applicant may present test results to meet specific subject requirements. Home-schooled applicants may obtain an Academic and Career Entrance certificate (ACE) by successfully completing the required courses.

Readmission to a program

Students are required to apply for readmission when they have been absent from their program for one term or longer, or when the student has withdrawn or been discontinued. Upon readmission, students are placed into the current program of study which determines graduation requirements. Students are subject to the college and program policies and procedures in place at the time of readmission.

The application for readmission will be reviewed by the Academic team based on space eligibility, academic eligibility, and the student’s progress related to readmission requirements. Depending on the reason for interruption of studies, this review may include, but is not limited to, an interview and examination of any of the following:

  • Health records and current health assessment
  • Transcripts – All post-secondary transcripts must be submitted
  • Diagnostic and/or academic testing
  • Documents related to any self-directed learning activity that has occurred since interruption of studies

Students applying for readmission to Level/Term 1 must do so through ontariocolleges.ca. Students applying for readmission to a level beyond Level/Term 1 must do so using the Advanced Standing Application Form. Applicable fees will be charged.           

For more information, refer to the Readmission Procedure (pdf).

Student records information

Student records officers are located in the Office of the Registrar and are responsible for processing all activities pertaining to the student’s record. Please contact this office at studentrecords@conestogac.on.ca if you have any inquiries regarding registration and achievement.

Freedom of Information

Under current provincial law, a student’s records are considered confidential and will be released to a third party only upon the written authorization of the student or by exception as noted under the Release of Information section of the Guide. Information collected in student records will be used to administer the programs and activities of the college. While student records are the property of the college, students have the right to view their own records upon request. Student records may include personal, academic and non-academic information (for example, identification photographs).

Student record

Refers to the collection of data dealing with an individual who is associated with a program or course of study at the college. Most of the data is categorized as academic, personal and/or financial and is maintained by the registrar’s office. The Official College Record for each student is a permanent record consisting minimally of the student’s name, student number, personal data, achievement, and academic decisions and should be maintained for a minimum of 55 years.

Academic record

Consists of academic activity (program/course registration, achievement, transfer credits and academic standing) at the College.

Personal record

Consists of biographical data and may include previous educational achievements such as secondary school records. Please ensure that the address in the registrar's system is the correct one for mailing purposes. Students can update their contact information (address and phone numbers) through the Student Portal. To make changes to formal information (legal name, SIN, marital status, preferred name, citizenship status, and date of birth) in the student record, submit a Personal Information Change Form. This form can be found in the Student Portal under the 'Services' tab and the 'My Forms' button.

Financial record

Consists of financial transactions with the College relating specifically to tuition and incidental fees.

Accuracy of the student record

The student is personally responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their student record, which is maintained by the Registrar’s Office. This includes mailing address, personal data and achievement. It is also the responsibility of the student to ensure that their program requirements are being met.


The Registrar's Office uses MyCreds to issue digital transcripts. MyCreds is a digital wallet that provides secure access to academic credentials students can share with colleges, universities, employers, immigration authorities, and other third parties. Please visit Grading & transcripts or MyCreds.ca for answers to frequently asked questions.

Registration information


Attendance expectations should be clarified with each teacher and should be informed of the reasons for any absences that may occur.

Full-time, part-time status in a program

A full-time student is one enrolled for at least 70 per cent of the hours, or 66 2/3 per cent of the courses in the current session/level of the program design. Students not meeting these criteria are considered part-time. Course changes may affect the student's status, which is determined each session by the registrar’s office and may impact OSAP eligibility.

Credit Transfer

Exemption/Credit Transfer is granted to students who have previously achieved the learning outcomes at Conestoga College or another post-secondary institution and have proven that they have comparable or equivalent learning.         

The maximum credit allowed through Credit Transfer and credits obtained through Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is 75 percent of the program credits for diploma and certificate programs and 50 percent of program credits for degree programs. Therefore, at least 25 percent of the program credits for diploma and certificate programs and 50 percent for degree programs must be taken under the direct supervision of Conestoga College faculty.         

To apply: The registered student submits a Credit Transfer Request through the Student Portal, including the required documents. Applications sent via email will not be considered. Once a decision is made, students will be notified through their Conestoga email account. For more information about credit transfers and how to apply, visit Credit Transfer.


  • Requests for credit transfer may take several weeks to review; therefore, students are encouraged to submit their Credit Transfer Request and all supporting documents prior to the start of the semester.
  • Approval of an exemption will affect scheduling and may affect fees and OSAP eligibility.
  • When a student moves from one Conestoga College program to another and where course numbers/codes are identical or equivalent, automatic credit is given if course passing grades are met. The course grade from the original course will stand.
  • All exemptions can be viewed on the Student Portal (on the “My Grades” tab select ‘View Achievement Report’).
Course changes (add/drop)

Students may add/drop courses through the Student Portal when timetables are made available. If a student is unable to make a course change(s) through the Student Portal, they can submit a Course Change Request Form found in the Student Portal, under the "Services" tab,& "My Forms" sub-tab. Meet with your program coordinator if the option you need is inaccessible on the form.

  • Adding/dropping courses may affect a student's status (full-time/part-time). For students receiving financial aid, a status change may affect the student's entitlement and the student should consult with Student Financial Services for clarification.
  • Students who are on Academic Probation may have additional restrictions placed on course registration and changes to enrolment. Contact your program coordinator and/or the chair of your program if you have any questions.
  • A course may be repeated in the case of a failure or to improve competency, or to upgrade a mark. However, the original mark remains on the student record.
ECC (Elective, COMM, CDEV) course changes

Certain programs allow students to add core courses and electives through the Student Portal when timetables are made available. If a student is unable to make a course change(s) through the Student Portal, they can submit a Course Change Request Form found in the Student Portal, under the "Services" tab, "My Forms" sub-tab.

  • Adding/dropping courses may affect a student's status (full-time/part-time). For students receiving financial aid, a status change may affect the student's entitlement and the student should consult with Student Financial Services for clarification.
  • Students who are on Academic Probation may have additional restrictions placed on course registration and changes to enrolment. Contact your program coordinator and/or the chair of your program if you have any questions.
  • A course may be repeated in the case of a failure or to improve competency, or to upgrade a mark. However, the original mark remains on the student record.
Course audit

Audit status must be clearly specified at the time of registration in the course.

Students auditing a course are restricted solely to the role of observers in the class. They must not write examinations, have course evaluations performed for them, or make comments during class. A credit standing will not be granted for an audited course.         

Permission to audit a course will not be granted until the number of students taking the course for credit is known. Priority will always go to students taking a course for credit. The student in a full-time program is required to follow the same process as adding a course.

Completion of form/request for a letter
  • Do you need a letter stating that you have been accepted, enrolled or that you have graduated?
  • Do you need a verification of enrolment letter for your Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)?
  • Do you need a special or customized letter for an employer, day care or insurance company?
  • Do you have a document that requires an official Conestoga seal or stamp?

Read the information below to access the letter you need and the process and fee associated with it.

  1. Online (Free of Charge)

    To generate a letter free of charge, log on to the Student Portal and select the ‘Services’ tab then select “Print A Letter’.        

    You will be presented with a drop down box with the four letter types:        

    • Accepted and Confirmed Letter
      1. program title, start/end date, and session start/end date.
    • Currently Enrolled Letter
      1. program title, start date, full time status, program start/end date, session start/end date
    • Proof of Program Completion Letter
      1. program title, program start date/completion date
    • RESP – Verification of Enrolment
      1. program title, start date, co-op program, current start date, full-time status, program length, level entering and credential type
        1. Do not submit this letter to Conestoga, it must be submitted to the institution (e.g. bank) administering your RESP.

    NOTE: Online standard letters above cannot be modified to include additional or different information.        

    Important Note Regarding Canada Pension Plan

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP) will accept the ‘Currently Enrolled’ letter. The letter must be dated after the start of the academic year. You must:        

    1. Generate the letter after the start of the academic year/semester.
    2. Write “see attached" in Section B of the Declaration of Attendance at School or University.
      • The ‘Currently Enrolled Letter” replaces the signature required on the form.
    3. Submit both the form and the online letter to the government.
  2. Specialized or Custom Letter (Charges Apply)

    If the online letter service does not suffice, you may request a special or customized letter by completing and submitting the Completion of Letter Form with payment to the Registrar’s Office. You may request to have the letter mailed to you or pick it up in person. Please allow a minimum 24-48 hours for processing and be prepared to provide photo identification for your request.        

  3. In Person or by Fax (Charges Apply)

    You may request a letter by completing and submitting the Completion of Letter Form with payment to the Registrar’s Office in person or send by fax to (519) 895-1097. Please allow a minimum 24-48 hours for processing and be prepared to provide photo identification for your request.        

  4. Letter and Documentation Verification Request Form

    If you require a letter or form to be verified with the Conestoga stamp or seal, you must bring the document(s) to the Registrar’s Office in person for verification and for the stamp or seal to be affixed. Please allow a minimum 24-48 hours for processing and be prepared to provide photo identification for your request.        

  5. Attention International Students:

    Select the ‘Currently Enrolled’ letter for applications related to study permit extensions, Temporary Resident Visa’s, U.S. Visas etc. Once you have downloaded the letter, please email internationaloffice@conestogac.on.ca with your student number to request instructions related to Citizenship and Immigration Canada applications.        

    • Please Note: If you need a letter related to working in Canada (off-campus, co-op, on-campus) and other Citizenship and Immigration Canada applications and information, please contact internationaloffice@conestogac.on.ca
One Card

All full-time students will require a ONE Card Student Photo ID. The ONE Card is used to gain access to the different services the college provides, such as but not limited to testing, printing and library resources, writing tests/exams, receiving course marks, access open computer labs, borrowing materials from the Library Resource Centre and to gain entry to the Recreation Centre. This card is normally issued in the student's first semester and students are expected to upload their photo.         

  • The card is valid for their entire college enrolment
  • Please be prepared to show your ONE Card when accessing college services.
  • Additional information regarding the ONE Card may be found at ONE Card website.
  • Applicable fees will apply for a replacement card.
Part-time studies registration information

Part-time Studies is not a program. However, it allows a student to register in courses that are normally part of a full-time program without being admitted or registered into that program. Not all courses are available through Part-time Studies and space may be limited in those that are. Registration is based on space availability in the course(s) and prerequisites (if applicable) being met.

An individual who is not registered in a program, and is interested in registering for a course or section that is exclusive to a full-time program, will be able to do so beginning one week prior to the term start date, if the course is available. Registration is based on space availability in the course(s) and prerequisites (if applicable) being met. Registration does not guarantee eventual acceptance or readmission into a full-time program and a student cannot graduate from Part-time Studies. Individuals may consider becoming a Part-time Studies student for one of the following reasons:

  • To obtain credit for missed courses
  • To obtain credit for specific courses to apply to future post-secondary
  • To explore program-related courses prior to applying to a college program
  • To study courses for personal interest or to improve workplace skills

Part-time course registration begins one week prior to the first day of classes through the Student Portal.  

To register for courses, you may log in as a student or browse Continuing Education courses to confirm course availability. Part-time Studies students will be expected to pay for courses selected through the portal at time of registration.  

An individual requesting registration for a course that is not available through their student portal and part of a full-time cohort program must submit a Part-time Studies Course Registration Form.

The academic team will review the request to determine eligibility for registration (prerequisites/corequisites/program standards-rules are met), that the course has capacity, and no timetable conflict exists.  

If approved: the academic team will forward the form to the Registrar’s Office for processing.  

The Enrolment Officers will add the invoice through held enrolment on the student portal and students will be given 72 hours to pay for the course(s). It is the student’s responsibility to check their portal for registration updates and complete the payment process.

If denied: the academic coordinator/academic team will reject the form submitted and a notification will be sent to the student (i.e. no space/course not offered/individual does not meet prerequisite/corequisite.)

Supplemental request

Students who have not successfully completed all of the required courses for the term or the program may be eligible to complete work or write a supplemental assessment in order to complete the requirements of the level or program. Refer to your program handbook for specific details on eligibility, or consult your program coordinator.

How to request a supplemental

Please note: Faculty must initiate requests for students registered in Continuing Education courses or part-time studies.     

Full-time students:     

  • Log in to the Student Portal
  • Select the Services tab
  • Under Forms for Students in Full-Time Programs, select the My Forms button
  • Enter your Conestoga email address and network password
  • Select Supplemental Request
    1. Choose the session
    2. Choose the course
    3. Select Submit at the bottom of the form
    4. Your request has been sent to faculty for review.

If you experience any problems with the form(s), please contact the Registrar’s Office at StudentRecords@conestogac.on.ca.         

If your request is approved

  • You will receive an email detailing how the supplemental will be completed.
  • Pay the required fee in the Student Portal. Select the Financial tab and then the Program Fees Payment tab. If you have a credit balance on your account that covers the cost of the supplemental, no further payment is required.

If your request is denied

  • You will receive an email explaining why your request was denied.
  • If you need more information, follow up directly with the faculty member.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is a process that involves the recognition and assessment of formal, informal and non-formal or experiential learning acquired through employment, non-credit courses, independent study, conferences and seminars or volunteer activities.         

For more information about the PLAR process please visit Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition.         

Course hours

Full-time courses at Conestoga are typically delivered Monday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. In some instances, classes will be scheduled outside of this time frame, to accommodate course, program, and college requirements.