Payment options
You can pay your program tuition fees and course registration via online banking or the Student Portal. Follow the instructions below based on your chosen method.
Online banking
Payments can be made through online banking.
- Your seven-digit Conestoga student number is your account/reference number, and the payee is Conestoga College.
Please note: online banking payments must be received by the payment due date. Please allow 3-5 days for processing.
(Payments received after the stated due date will be assessed a late fee of $150.)
Student Portal
Payments can be made through the Student Portal using Visa, MasterCard, or debit.
- Log in to the
Student Portal.
- To pay your invoice:
- Select the 'Financial' tab, then select 'Program Fees Payment'.
- In the 'Amount to Pay' box at the bottom of the page, enter the amount.
- Select 'Continue' and follow the instructions to pay through the Student Portal or to use another payment method.
Payment due dates
Fees are due approximately one month prior to the start of classes for programs with two consecutive sessions.
Please note: payments must be received and posted on the Student Portal by the fee due date for each term. Consider processing times to ensure the payments are received on or before the due date - allow 24 hours for payments through the Student Portal and 3-5 business days for web banking and international payment methods.
2024-2025 due dates
Start date | All students: deposit | Non OSAP: fees | OSAP: fees |
Fall term | June 11, 2024 | August 2, 2024 | September 16, 2024 |
Winter term | October 8, 2024 | November 22, 2024 | January 20, 2025 |
Spring term | February 11, 2025 | April 4, 2025 | May 19, 2025 |
2025-2026 due dates
Start date | All students: deposit | Non OSAP: fees | OSAP: fees |
Fall term | June 6, 2025 | August 1, 2025 | September 15, 2025 |
Winter term | October 10, 2025 | December 12, 2025 | January 23, 2026 |
Spring term | February 13, 2026 | April 10, 2026 | May 22, 2026 |
Payment information
A $500 mandatory non-refundable tuition deposit is required for all new and returning students, in order to secure a place in the program. Note: For international students, the mandatory non-refundable tuition deposit is $2,500.
The tuition deposit is included in the student's tuition fees and subsequently reduces the tuition owed.
Paying fees with OSAP
Total OSAP funding
Funding information is available on the
OSAP website. The OSAP website provides the most accurate and up to date information. You may also view the amount of OSAP available to pay your fees on the
Student Portal. If the amount on the portal does not seem correct, please email
Confirmation of enrolment
OSAP will automatically remit fees to the college when we confirm your enrolment. The confirmation of enrolment process starts about one week before the start of each term, and the funds can take about two weeks to appear on your student account. Your OSAP application must be complete, with no outstanding required documentation, before any funding can be released.
Grant only funding
The Student Portal shows the amount of OSAP available to pay your fees. If you select to receive only the grant portion of your OSAP funding, then you will be required to pay the tuition amount not covered by your OSAP grant. If you do not pay the difference by the due date, you will be subject to a late fee.
For more information on OSAP and other financial aid, please visit
Student Financial Services.
Tuition fee payment default
If the student fails to comply with their tuition fee due date, Conestoga has the right to apply late fees, deny release of academic information (transcript), place the student on a financial hold, refuse future and or deny program/course registration, and/or forward the outstanding fee information to a collection agency.
- A student will be considered in default and not in good financial standing when the payment due date is not adhered to.
- Fees clerk/officer will apply a late fee to all outstanding accounts/payments received after the due date.
- Fees clerk/officer will notify students regarding outstanding fees.
- If account continues to remain unsettled, the account information will be forwarded to the Finance Office for further action.
- A financial hold is placed on student's record which will not allow registration and/or achievement information to be released.
- Enrolment in future terms will be removed.
Please note: each transaction charged back by the payer and/or financial institution will incur a $35.00 NSF - Returned Payment Charge.
Reduced tuition for students with permanent disabilities
Students with a permanent, persistent or prolonged, documented disability who require a reduced course load as a learning accommodation may be eligible to pay a reduced tuition fee to complete their program. Students are required to identify themselves with Accessible Learning and present documentation confirming the disability and the need for a reduced course load as an accommodation. Applications are completed with your Accessibility Advisor. Details related to eligibility are set out in the Tuition and Ancillary Fees Reporting Operating Procedure.
Eligibility criteria
- Eligibility for reduced tuition rates will commence once the student has paid full tuition fees for the entire program. If you are on a reduced course load as an accommodation and have paid the equivalent of full tuition for the program, your course fees will be adjusted to $20 per course (plus college ancillary, course materials, and online learning fees), until you complete your program.
- Payment of course fees at the regular rate are required at the time of registration. Adjustments and reimbursement (if applicable) are completed within 4-6 weeks after the refund deadline each term.
- Only the fees paid towards successfully completed courses will be included in this calculation. This policy does not cover courses that you need to take again due to late withdrawal or unsuccessful completion.
- This policy only covers one program even though you may have changed programs over the time you were registered. If you register in a different program, a new application must be submitted.
- Students are required to pay all required ancillary fees for each term they are enrolled at the college.
Full rules for eligibility
- The total tuition fees to be paid before a student is eligible to pay the reduced fee must equal the tuition fees a student completing the same program in the approved duration would pay if taking the program in the same academic years and terms, as well as delivery format (i.e. compressed). This includes any applicable annual tuition fee increases.
- A student is required to pay all applicable ancillary fees for each term in which they are enrolled at the college.
- Only the fees paid towards successfully completed courses will be included in this calculation.
- If the student paid part-time fees for the term in which a failure occurred, the amount of fees paid towards the course is equivalent to what the student paid. This amount should be deducted from the cumulative total of fees paid.
- If the student paid full-time fees for the term in which a failure occurred, the value of the failed course should be calculated by pro-rating the full-time fees based on student contact hours per course taken in that term. This amount should be deducted from the cumulative total of fees paid.
- The fees paid towards any courses/terms from which a student withdraws are not included in the cumulative total of fees paid.
- Students transferring with advanced standing between post-secondary institutions and/or programs must have paid the equivalent in fees as a student undertaking the same program of study in the approved program duration with the same advanced standing before being eligible for the reduced fee.
- The calculation of fees to be paid in order to be eligible for the reduced fee is not calculated in relation to fees already paid. Calculating fees to be paid is to be based on the amount of fees to be paid to complete the program in the Ministry-approved duration.
- Students returning to a program after a period of interruption must have their standing first evaluated according to the academic policies of the college to determine their program level. Once this has been determined, they will pay the equivalent in fees as a student undertaking the program of study in the approved program duration entering at the same program level and academic term before being eligible for the reduced fee. This is the same approach to calculating eligibility as for students transferring with advanced standing.
- As noted above, the calculation of fees to be paid in order to be eligible for the reduced fee is not calculated in relation to fees already paid. Calculating fees to be paid is to be based on the amount of fees to be paid to complete the program in Ministry-approved duration.
Payment schedule
Please note:
- the payment schedule is only available to students in level 2 and above who have paid at least 50% of the invoice, and it is posted on their account. For additional information, please contact Student Fees through the
Registrar's Office Contact Form or visit the
Student Portal.
- the payment schedule is only available during the payment window. You cannot opt-in to the payment schedule after the extended due date (i.e., three business days before classes start for your program).
- a payment can take up to five business days to reflect on your account. Please consider this processing time.
Payment schedule steps:
- Log in to the Student Portal.
- Select the "Financial" tab, then select "My Invoice".
- View and confirm your invoice.
- At least 50% of your invoice must be posted to your account to request an extension.
- The new due date for your remaining fees will be three business days before classes start for your program.
- There is a $200 administration fee associated with the payment schedule.
- If you requested a payment extension after the original invoice due date, an additional $150 late fee will be applied.
- Once you have requested an extension, please allow up to 24 hours for the changes to be reflected in the Student Portal and for your course registration to take effect.
Better Jobs Ontario information
Please note that any optional fees that are accepted on your invoice, it will be the responsibility of the student to pay.
If you have a Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) Application for Financial Assistance in process at MCU you must:
- Upon receipt of invoice and prior to the deposit due date the student must:
- Present MCU Application for Financial Assistance to fees staff in the Registrar’s Office who will arrange a temporary MCU Payment Agreement.
- Deposit fee due date will be extended to the OSAP deadline.
- Students who withdraw after the deposit due date will be assessed the withdrawal fee of $500.
- Students who fail to adhere to the MCU Payment Agreement will be assessed the withdrawal and late fee.
- Deposit fee due date will be extended to the OSAP deadline.
- Present MCU Application for Financial Assistance to fees staff in the Registrar’s Office who will arrange a temporary MCU Payment Agreement.
If you have received funding approval (a signed MCU contract) you must:
- Upon receipt of invoice and prior to the deposit due date:
- Present MCU contract agreement to the fees staff in the Registrar’s Office who will complete an MCU Payment Agreement with you.
- Deposit fee due date will be extended to the OSAP deadline.
- Students who withdraw after the deposit due date will be assessed the withdrawal fee.
- Students who fail to adhere to the MCU Payment Agreement will be assessed the withdrawal and late fee.
- Deposit fee due date will be extended to the OSAP deadline.
- Present MCU contract agreement to the fees staff in the Registrar’s Office who will complete an MCU Payment Agreement with you.
Sponsoring agency information
If you are being sponsored by an agency such as Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), community and social services or a Native Council (OSAP is not a sponsoring agency), you must save and confirm your Student Fees Invoice and present the invoice to your agency.
Sponsoring agencies are not required to pay the deposit by the due date, but the sponsorship letter must be submitted by the deposit due date or the student will be required to pay the deposit in order to secure their place in the program. Please note that the deposit amount is non-refundable should the student withdraw after the deposit due date.
The sponsoring agency must fax, mail or drop off a letter authorizing the costs that the agency will cover by the deposit due date as noted on the Student Fees Invoice(s) to the attention of V. Kovacevic by fax 519-895-1097, or by email
Tuition and payment FAQs
Deposit fee questions
When is the tuition deposit due?
For a list of deposit due dates, refer to Student fee invoices and payment.
When are student invoices posted?
Invoices are posted on the Student Portal 4-6 weeks before the deposit due date.
Does the initial deposit count towards tuition fees or is it in addition to my total fees?
The $500 mandatory tuition fee deposit (for domestic students) is part of your tuition fees and reduces the amount you owe.
How does the deposit work? Does it have to be paid each term?
The Ministry of Colleges and Universities policy states that a deposit is assessed on a per program/per academic year basis. Therefore, in a normal situation (no program change) the student pays it once per year.
Can I pay my deposit now?
The billing of fees will take place in early June at which time fees may be paid.
If I am an OSAP recipient do I have to pay the deposit?
Yes, if you are receiving OSAP funding you must pay the tuition deposit by the deposit deadline.
What if I am an OSAP recipient and do not have enough money for the deposit?
As in the past, there will be a process for students who qualify to request an exception to the deposit amount. Additional information will be available through the Financial Services Office.
I am waiting for my RESP; do I have to pay the deposit?
Yes, the tuition deposit is due by the due date unless the student qualifies for special consideration under the OSAP process.
If I have a co-op level for the first level of the academic year (i.e. fall) am I expected to pay a deposit?
Students who have a co-op level as the first level of their program for the academic year (i.e. in the fall) will be billed for the CSI Health plan with a due date of August 2 and payment by this date is expected. The deposit due date will be in October as the first academic level is during the winter term.
Fees and payments
Can I still pay the full-year tuition fees?
Yes, a student may still pay the full fees as per the Student Fee Invoice but a student does not have to pay prior to the fees due date stated on the invoice(s).
Do I have to pay deferral fees?
No. The ministry no longer allows colleges to charge a deferral fee and as such, have required colleges to bill by term and permit payment by term. Therefore, students no longer need to request to defer to a later date as the timeframe has been established by the ministry.
Can I pay my tuition and deposit in person?
No, all in-person payments for program tuition and course registration will no longer be accepted. All deposit, tuition and course fee payments must be made through the Student Portal using online/web banking.
Will I be able to pay my $500 deposit through the Student Portal? If so, will I be able to pay the remainder of my fees through the portal as well?
Yes, fees may be paid through the Student Portal.
How can I confirm that the college has received my payment?
To confirm your payment has been received, log in to the Student Portal. Select the 'Financial' tab, then select 'My Fees'.
Note: Payments made through the Student Portal or online banking can take three to five business days to process. Students should ensure payments are received by the due date.
What happens if I don’t make a payment by the deadline?
Accounts which reflect a tuition fee payment made after the due date will be assessed the late fee. A late penalty fee will not be assessed on the deposit.
Tuition deposit:
- Returning students who do not pay the tuition deposit by the deadline will not be able to register for classes and/or view their timetable.
- New students who do not pay the tuition deposit by the deadline may lose their seat in their program and/or not be able to register for classes and/or see their timetable.
Subsequent tuition fees:
- Returning students who do not pay tuition by the deadline may be removed from their program and/or will not be able to register for classes and/or view their timetable. Late fees will be applied to accounts where fee payments were made after the due date.
- New students who do not pay tuition by the deadline may lose their seat in their program and/or not be able to register for classes and/or see their timetable.
Admissions and fee deposit
What happens if I receive a conditional offer and am not able to meet my conditions for admission? Do I lose my deposit?
Applicants who fail to meet their condition of admission and notify the college prior to the program withdrawal date will have any/all fees that have been paid returned to them.
What happens if I am accepted to a program and pay the deposit but am then called off the waitlist for another program here at Conestoga?
The ministry policy allows the deposit to be held, however we will permit the student to move the deposit monies to the new program offering.
International student questions
Do international students have to pay a tuition deposit?
Tuition deposit:
- Returning international students who do not pay the tuition deposit by the deadline will not be able to register for classes and/or view their timetable.
- New international students who do not pay the tuition deposit by the deadline may lose their seat in their program and/or not be able to register for classes and/or see their timetable.
Are the subsequent fee due dates the same for international students?
Yes, the subsequent fee due dates are the same for all students (international and domestic) unless the domestic student is approved through OSAP.
Subsequent tuition fees:
- Returning international students who do not pay the tuition by the deadline may be removed from their program and/or will not be able to register for classes and/or view their timetable. Late fees will be applied to accounts where fee payments were made after the due date.
- New international students who do not pay the tuition by the deadline may lose their seat in their program and/or not be able to register for classes and/or see their timetable
Will international students be assessed late fees?
Yes, late fee payment penalties will be applied in the same manner as domestic students.
Is the deposit the same and mandatory for international students?
International students are expected to pay a mandatory non-refundable deposit of $2,500. The mandatory non-refundable tuition deposit is required for all new and returning students. Students who withdraw after the start of the term will be assessed a $2,500 withholding fee.
Do international students who are sponsored have to pay the mandatory non-refundable deposit fee?
We do not require sponsoring agencies to pay the deposit by the deposit due date, but we are requesting that the sponsorship letter be provided to the college by the deposit due date or prior to the first day of classes for Saudi Arabian students.
If a sponsorship letter cannot be provided, please have the student contact the college prior to the deposit due date. In some instances, the student may be required to pay the deposit to secure his/her place in the program. Please send all sponsorship letters to (for new students) or Vesna Kovacevic (for returning students) prior to the deposit due date for new and returning students.
For international students who will be on a co-op term for September, what will they be expected to pay and when?
Students who have a co-op level for the first term of the academic year (i.e. fall) will be invoiced for the CSI Health Plan Fee with a due date of August 2 and a deposit due date in October as their first academic term begins in January.
Sponsor and Second Career questions
Are sponsored students required to pay the deposit fee?
We do not require sponsoring agencies to pay the deposit by the deposit due date but we require a sponsorship letter by the deposit due date or the student will have to pay the deposit to secure their place in the program.
If I have received funding approval (a signed MCU contract) what must I do?
Upon receipt of invoice, and prior to the deposit due date, the student must:
a. Present an MCU contract agreement to the fees staff in the Registrar’s Office who will complete an MCU Payment Agreement with you.
- Deposit fee due date will be extended to the OSAP deadline.
- Students who withdraw after the deposit due date will be assessed the $500 withdrawal fee.
- Students who fail to adhere to the MCU Payment Agreement will be assessed the withdrawal fee and late fee.
If I have an MCU Application for Financial Assistance in process at MCU, what must I do?
Upon receipt of invoice, and prior to the deposit due date, the student must:
a. Present an MCU Application for Financial Assistance to fees staff in the Registrar’s Office who will arrange a temporary MCU Payment Agreement.
- Deposit fee due date will be extended to the OSAP deadline.
- Students who withdraw after the deposit due date will be assessed the $500 withdrawal fee.
- Students who fail to adhere to the MCU Payment Agreement will be assessed the withdrawal fee and late fee.
Invoicing information
Opting out of optional fees
Student fees are a combination of tuition, ancillary fees, program-specific fees and optional fees.
Students can opt out of optional fees before the college's refund deadline each term. After the refund deadline, optional fees will remain on the student's invoice.
Before opting out, students are encouraged to review all fees closely to make an informed decision about their choices because once an invoice is confirmed, selections are final.
To opt out
- Log in to the
Student Portal using your Conestoga email address and default password. For further instructions, refer to
Your student Condor ID and password.
- Select 'Financial tab'.
- Select ‘My Invoice’ and click on the ‘View Invoice’ for the appropriate term.
- To view and/or print your invoice(s) select the 'Invoice' button at the end of the line that contains the program and term(s) you wish to view.
- Accept or decline fees for optional services.
- Complete the transaction by clicking ‘Save and Confirm’ or ‘Cancel and Return’ to start over. Once you save your information, changes cannot be made.
- You must click 'Save and Confirm', otherwise the invoice amounts will not be updated. Please allow up to 24 hours for processing.
To view your invoice and make a payment
- Go to the ‘My Fees’ tab to view your invoice.
- In-person payments for program tuition fees and course registration are not accepted.
- Payments can be made using the following methods:
- Student Portal: Payments can be made on the Student Portal directly. This is found under the Financial tab, Program Fees Payment.
- Web banking: Students can pay their fees using online or web banking. Use your seven-digit Conestoga student number as the account/reference number.
International payments
All payments are posted on the Student Portal under the "Financial" tab. Please allow 24-48 hours for processing.
Student invoice and fee information
Students can access their invoices through the Student Portal under the "Financial" tab once they are posted in the spring. Invoices will not be mailed.
Invoices outline all tuition including compulsory and optional fees.
It is the student's responsibility to review and confirm their invoice, and to pay the fees outlined on their invoice by the stated due date. If payments are received late, a late fee will be assessed, and the student's place in a given program will not be guaranteed.
Changes to payment due dates are not considered unless financial assistance is guaranteed through an Ontario or federal government plan.
A student is considered fully registered when:
- the mandatory deposit and tuition fees have been paid by the designed due date shown above, or the college has received authorization from an agency paying fees on the student's behalf (i.e. WSIB),
- a ONE Card photo has been uploaded and approved, and
- additionally for international students,
proof of approval to study has been uploaded to the International Portal.