Current students in full-time programs
Students enrolled in a full-time program can complete the following forms in the Student Portal as they are prepopulated with data from our Student Information System (SIS) and help reduce the chance of errors and delays.
These forms can be found in the Student Portal under the 'Services' tab and the 'My Forms' button.
- Application to graduate
- Co-op program transfer application
- Consent for release of personal information
- Course change request (formerly "course add/drop")
- Declaration of major
- General awards application
- General request
- Part-time studies course registration
- Personal information change
- Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) Assessment Registration Form
- Request for a letter (including Letter of Permission)
- Request for refund
- Request for transcript
- Student appeal
- Supplemental request
- Withdrawal
The credit transfer form can be found in the Student Portal under the ‘My Courses’ tab and the ‘My Credit Transfer’ sub-tab.
Continuing Education (CE, part-time) students and alumni
These online forms are available for Continuing Education (CE) students who are enrolled part-time and Conestoga alumni. Current full-time students should access forms through Student Portal (see above) to ensure forms are completed accurately.
- Application to graduate
- Consent for release of personal information
- Continuing Education course registration
- Fee exemption request
- General request
Part-time studies course registration
Personal information change
- Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) Assessment Registration Form
- Request for a letter
- Request for a refund
- Request for a transcript
Prospective students
These online forms are available for prospective students, no login required.
- Assessment of international credentials for domestic admissions and credit
- Advanced standing application
- Continuing Education course registration
- Continuing Education or part-time studies program application
- Degree course registration form
- Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) Assessment Registration form
- Request for pre-assessment Math, English, Biology and Chemistry testing