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Transforming health sciences education
The School of Health & Life Sciences received four Anatomage Tables, which display life-size digitized versions of human bodies that provide accurate 3D representation and simulation of natural anatomy, physiology and pathology.
“These tables provide Conestoga the opportunity to enhance learning and help bridge knowledge gaps across all the health sciences programs, within the lab and during independent practice. The Anatomage Tables will be built into and utilized within the curriculum to help learners better develop an enhanced understanding of human anatomy and help differentiate various disease pathophysiologies at a higher level,” said Kyla Rotobilsky, manager of simulation and learning innovation.
Students in many programs – including those training as paramedics, nurses, personal support workers, medical lab technicians, pharmacy technicians, recreational therapists, occupational therapists, and massage therapists – will benefit from this technology to visualize and understand the entire picture of patient presentation.

Students support non-profits
Students in Conestoga's Graphic Design and Public Relations programs participate yearly in a day-long creative blitz supporting non-profits across Canada. Known as Creative Day for Social Good (CD4SG), art directors, writers, account managers, and other industry volunteers work with students to create free marketing and communication tools for organizations that might not have access to these resources otherwise.
Included as part of the program curriculum, CD4SG helps students fill their portfolios and get exposure to the industry. Organizers estimate the event has provided creative services for more than 150 charities over the years and totalled more than $100,000 of pro bono work during each blitz.

Program Advisory Committees (PAC)
“I cherish my years volunteering on the Program Advisory Committee and especially enjoyed interviewing and selecting students for the awards! Truly, I was blown away by such incredible young people who both impressed and inspired me.”
PACs refer to external advisors or alumni with direct interest and expertise in the occupational area addressed by a specific program who help guide the college’s academic team.

Detecting the future
Conestoga’s Biotechnology Technician graduates, Lourdes Mulkern, Michael Luong, Yosief Habteab and Novlin Martin, were recognized with the Biotechnology Technician Research and Teamwork Award for their project called Detecting the Future, which investigated an optical technique that measures molecular interactions in real-time for the detection of biomarkers that indicate breast cancer and antibodies for the diagnosis of allergies.
The Biotechnology Technician program’s home is the Cowan Centre for Medical Sciences and Biotechnology at the Kitchener - Doon campus, which offers the latest cutting-edge laboratories, biotechnology instruments, and infrastructure.
Learn more about the Cowan Centre for Medical Sciences and Biotechnology.