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Level 1
Course details
Computer Applications
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Conestoga 101
- Hours: 1
- Credits: 0
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Engineering Drawing Interpretation
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic principles and concepts of technical drawings. Emphasis will be placed on basic drafting in orthographic projections, sections, dimensioning and tolerancing, notes, specifications, and welding symbols to prepare the student for the interpretation of welded fabrication engineering drawings.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $171.60
Technical Mathematics I
This course is an applications oriented mathematics course in which the student utilizes basic mathematical operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, decimals and fractions. In addition, students will use both the imperial and System International when solving problems in linear measurement, area, volume and mass. This course is designed to develop a proficiency in mathematics necessary for subsequent courses in Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Process Theory I
This theoretical course will begin with an introduction to welding, health and safety issues, welding history and applications. The next topics will introduce the principles and applications of the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process and gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process fundamentals.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $65.60
Shielded Metal Arc Welding I
This course will develop basic welding skills with the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process, commonly referred to as stick welding. Techniques will be developed for producing fillet welds in all welding positions while groove welds will be produced in the flat, horizontal and vertical positions with a variety of electrode types.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $2.50
Semi-Automatic Welding I
This course will develop basic welding skills with the Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) process (commonly referred to as MIG welding). Techniques will be developed for producing fillet welds in all welding positions while groove welds will be produced in the flat, horizontal and vertical positions.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Thermal Cutting and Brazing
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $26.25
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Level 2
Course details
College Reading & Writing Skills
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
CAD for Fabrication Technology
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: DRWG1497
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $59.15
Technical Mathematics II
This course is a follow-up to Technical Mathematics I, furthering the student’s mathematical skills utilizing algebra, functional notation, graphical representation, and trigonometric functions. The course is designed to enhance problem-solving skills.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: MATH1445
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Processes Theory II
This theoretical course will introduce the principles and applications of the major welding processes, including gas metal arc welding (GMAW), metal cored arc welding (MCAW), flux cored arc welding (FCAW) as well as the gas tungsten arc welding process (GTAW). In addition, the student will be introduced to the basic filler metals and shielding gases used with these major welding processes.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1360
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding II
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1645
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Semi-Automatic Welding II
This course will further develop Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) skills and introduce the Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) and Metal Cored Arc Welding (MCAW) processes. Students will have additional practice making fillet and groove welds in the flat, horizontal and vertical positions. Welding qualification tests will be practiced on groove weld assemblies with backing bars, followed by bend testing to assess quality.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1655
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $2.50
Welding Quality and Inspection
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $37.95
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
This course will develop basic welding skills with the GTAW process, commonly referred to as TIG welding. Techniques will be developed for producing fillet and groove welds in the flat, horizontal and vertical positions on both mild steel and aluminum materials.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Introduction to Metal Fabrication
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: DRWG1497
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $14.30
Level 3
Course details
Technical Math III
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH1635
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Robotic Fundamentals
This course will introduce industrial robots, how they work and their applications. Robot operation and communication with peripheral equipment will be studied. Emphasis will be placed on effective operation of teach pendants to safely test-run existing programs and to efficiently jog the robot to desired positions to correct existing robot paths.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Codes And Standards
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1700
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Process Applications I
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 6
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1670
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Process Technology I
This course is designed to further enhance the students’ knowledge of welding processes as taught in Welding Processes Technology I and II. The major areas of study will include: Arc Welding Power Sources, Gas Metal Arc Welding and Flux Cored Arc Welding.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1670
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Level 4
Course details
Robotic Programming
This course will develop basic robotic programming skills with a variety of robotic systems. Selection of jog system, positional teaching, specifying appropriate motion type and velocity, input/output commands, jumps, labels and counters will be studied for effective robot programming strategies. Safe operation and test running of programs will be emphasized.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Visual Weld Inspection Applications
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2155
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $37.20
Welding Mechanics
This course introduces the study of statics, the mechanics of solids, and the properties of sections. Topics such as forces, vectors and resultants, moments of forces and couples, equations of equilibrium, free-body diagrams, two-force members, coplanar concurrent, parallel and non-concurrent force systems, structures and members. Elementary mechanics of materials topics such as stress, strain, Hooke’s Law, Young’s Modulus of Elasticity, Centroids, Moment of Inertia, beam bending and stress will be covered. Fundamental concepts in the allowable strength of welded connections will also be introduced.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH2285
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $52.00
Welding Metallurgy I
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $39.60
NDE Fundamentals
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $139.05
Welding Circuits and Controls
This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge of the basic principles and laws of electricity and the measurement of electrical quantities as required safely working with and understanding the operation of welding equipment and processes. The student will become familiar with industrial electrical power systems, the conversion of electrical power for welding, the measurement of electrical quantities, control interfacing between power sources, wire-feeders, and ancillary equipment, and the troubleshooting of welding circuits. A primary focus of this course will be the development of safe work practices in the welding lab for the purpose of process measurement and troubleshooting, not welding machine repair or installation wiring.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Process Applications II
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2235
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Processes Technology II
This course is designed to further enhance the students’ knowledge of welding processes as taught in Welding Processes Technology I, II and III. The major areas of study will include: Submerged Arc Welding, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Plasma Arc Welding, Plasma Cutting, Plasma Gouging and Resistance Welding. Other related welding processes such as Stud Welding and Laser Beam Welding will also be studied.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2250
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Level 5
Course details
Manufacturing Processes
This course will examine all production processes to effectively plan product manufacturing. Process planning and costing for manufacturing methods including cutting, stamping, machining, casting, assembly and coating will be studied. Knowledge of these processes will be used to effectively plan for manufacturing including sequence, resources, equipment and facilities required.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Design I
The basics of welded structural design including allowable stress, limit state, and plastic design will be introduced. The student will learn to calculate the required size of welds using the allowable stress method and the selection of filler metals of various strength levels to match the requirements of weld design codes such as CSA W59. Special emphasis will be placed upon identifying issues with designs or welding discontinuities that can affect the integrity of welded structures with an introduction fracture mechanics. The issues around the ductile to brittle fracture transition of structural steels, brittle fracture, and the special requirements of fatigue-loaded structures will be discussed.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2115
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Metallurgy II
- Hours: 70
- Credits: 5
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2175
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Technical Project I - A
Students must undertake a self directed technical project in their 3rd year of study. The purpose of this project is to expose the student to a typical project that would be undertaken by a Technologist in industry. Topics could include solving a manufacturing problem, developing a new welding procedure or evaluating the weldability of a unique material (or any other topic as mutually agreed to by the student and the faculty advisor). The purpose of this course is to research possible topics and to develop a comprehensive plan for implementation in Technical Project II. The student will develop experience in the processes of Project Management (planning phase) and additional skills in technical research.
- Hours: 14
- Credits: 1
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Process Technology III
This course will include a review of advances in conventional welding processes including arc and resistance welding methods. Application of new consumables, power sources and equipment will be studied. Another component in this course will include a presentation project for a non-conventional welding process such as laser, ultrasonic or explosion welding for joining and non-joining applications.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2260
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Non-Destructive Evaluation A
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2185
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Level 6
Course details
Operations Management
This course will introduce the student to the process of manufacturing and how manufacturing operations are planned and managed. Special emphasis will be placed upon the process of bringing new products to market and relating the involvement of welding technology to this task. Topics will include: the concept of “Value-Adding”, production strategies and processes, concurrent engineering, design for manufacturability, “lean manufacturing”, plant and work-cell layout, process flowcharting and operation analysis, labour force planning, total productive maintenance, and health and safety management. A major student project will be included that will develop skills in the process of technical project management through the use of a welding manufacturing case study.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $36.30
Quality Assurance Systems
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Automation And Tooling
The course will develop knowledge in a wide range of technologies applicable to welding automation. Sensors such as limit switches and proximity switches will be studied as will their integration with a weldment fixturing, clamping and transfer tooling. Students will learn to apply automation including torch manipulators and carriages, weldment positioners, dedicated and flexible automation with both robotic and non-robotic technologies. The student will be able to utilize various locating, clamping, indexing and tool guiding devices as used in jigs and fixtures for the successful design of fabrication, welding and inspection operations.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Technical Project II - B
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD3170
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Non-Destructive Evaluation B
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: WELD3250
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $72.10
Welding Inspection & Quality Control Certification
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Design II
Applications of welding design in steel and aluminum structures, welded pressure vessels, and machinery will be covered. The performance of welds in service and welding failure analysis will also be introduced. Topics of discussion here include: lamellar tearing, hydrogen embrittlement, corrosion and weld cladding, stress corrosion cracking, wear and wearfacing and elevated temperature failures. The course will include the study of cases of welding design, materials selection, inspection technology, in industrial systems and welded structural failure for student evaluation and corrective action recommendations.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD3070
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Level 1
Course details
Computer Applications
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Conestoga 101
- Hours: 1
- Credits: 0
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Engineering Drawing Interpretation
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic principles and concepts of technical drawings. Emphasis will be placed on basic drafting in orthographic projections, sections, dimensioning and tolerancing, notes, specifications, and welding symbols to prepare the student for the interpretation of welded fabrication engineering drawings.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $171.60
Technical Mathematics I
This course is an applications oriented mathematics course in which the student utilizes basic mathematical operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, decimals and fractions. In addition, students will use both the imperial and System International when solving problems in linear measurement, area, volume and mass. This course is designed to develop a proficiency in mathematics necessary for subsequent courses in Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Process Theory I
This theoretical course will begin with an introduction to welding, health and safety issues, welding history and applications. The next topics will introduce the principles and applications of the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process and gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process fundamentals.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $65.60
Shielded Metal Arc Welding I
This course will develop basic welding skills with the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process, commonly referred to as stick welding. Techniques will be developed for producing fillet welds in all welding positions while groove welds will be produced in the flat, horizontal and vertical positions with a variety of electrode types.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $2.50
Semi-Automatic Welding I
This course will develop basic welding skills with the Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) process (commonly referred to as MIG welding). Techniques will be developed for producing fillet welds in all welding positions while groove welds will be produced in the flat, horizontal and vertical positions.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Thermal Cutting and Brazing
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $26.25
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Level 2
Course details
College Reading & Writing Skills
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
CAD for Fabrication Technology
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: DRWG1497
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $59.15
Technical Mathematics II
This course is a follow-up to Technical Mathematics I, furthering the student’s mathematical skills utilizing algebra, functional notation, graphical representation, and trigonometric functions. The course is designed to enhance problem-solving skills.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: MATH1445
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Processes Theory II
This theoretical course will introduce the principles and applications of the major welding processes, including gas metal arc welding (GMAW), metal cored arc welding (MCAW), flux cored arc welding (FCAW) as well as the gas tungsten arc welding process (GTAW). In addition, the student will be introduced to the basic filler metals and shielding gases used with these major welding processes.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1360
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding II
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1645
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Semi-Automatic Welding II
This course will further develop Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) skills and introduce the Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) and Metal Cored Arc Welding (MCAW) processes. Students will have additional practice making fillet and groove welds in the flat, horizontal and vertical positions. Welding qualification tests will be practiced on groove weld assemblies with backing bars, followed by bend testing to assess quality.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1655
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $2.50
Welding Quality and Inspection
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $37.95
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
This course will develop basic welding skills with the GTAW process, commonly referred to as TIG welding. Techniques will be developed for producing fillet and groove welds in the flat, horizontal and vertical positions on both mild steel and aluminum materials.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Introduction to Metal Fabrication
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: DRWG1497
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $14.30
Level 3
Course details
Co-op and Career Preparation
- Hours: 14
- Credits: 1
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Technical Math III
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH1635
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Robotic Fundamentals
This course will introduce industrial robots, how they work and their applications. Robot operation and communication with peripheral equipment will be studied. Emphasis will be placed on effective operation of teach pendants to safely test-run existing programs and to efficiently jog the robot to desired positions to correct existing robot paths.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Codes And Standards
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1700
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Process Applications I
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 6
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1670
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Process Technology I
This course is designed to further enhance the students’ knowledge of welding processes as taught in Welding Processes Technology I and II. The major areas of study will include: Arc Welding Power Sources, Gas Metal Arc Welding and Flux Cored Arc Welding.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD1670
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Level 4
Course details
Robotic Programming
This course will develop basic robotic programming skills with a variety of robotic systems. Selection of jog system, positional teaching, specifying appropriate motion type and velocity, input/output commands, jumps, labels and counters will be studied for effective robot programming strategies. Safe operation and test running of programs will be emphasized.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Visual Weld Inspection Applications
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2155
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $37.20
Welding Mechanics
This course introduces the study of statics, the mechanics of solids, and the properties of sections. Topics such as forces, vectors and resultants, moments of forces and couples, equations of equilibrium, free-body diagrams, two-force members, coplanar concurrent, parallel and non-concurrent force systems, structures and members. Elementary mechanics of materials topics such as stress, strain, Hooke’s Law, Young’s Modulus of Elasticity, Centroids, Moment of Inertia, beam bending and stress will be covered. Fundamental concepts in the allowable strength of welded connections will also be introduced.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH2285
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $52.00
Welding Metallurgy I
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $39.60
NDE Fundamentals
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $139.05
Welding Circuits and Controls
This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge of the basic principles and laws of electricity and the measurement of electrical quantities as required safely working with and understanding the operation of welding equipment and processes. The student will become familiar with industrial electrical power systems, the conversion of electrical power for welding, the measurement of electrical quantities, control interfacing between power sources, wire-feeders, and ancillary equipment, and the troubleshooting of welding circuits. A primary focus of this course will be the development of safe work practices in the welding lab for the purpose of process measurement and troubleshooting, not welding machine repair or installation wiring.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Process Applications II
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2235
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Processes Technology II
This course is designed to further enhance the students’ knowledge of welding processes as taught in Welding Processes Technology I, II and III. The major areas of study will include: Submerged Arc Welding, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Plasma Arc Welding, Plasma Cutting, Plasma Gouging and Resistance Welding. Other related welding processes such as Stud Welding and Laser Beam Welding will also be studied.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2250
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Level 5
Course details
Co-op Work Term I (Welding Inspection)
- Hours: 420
- Credits: 14
- Pre-Requisites: CDEV1020 OR CEPR1020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 6
Course details
Co-op Work Term II (Welding Inspection)
- Hours: 420
- Credits: 14
- Pre-Requisites: CDEV1020 OR CEPR1020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 7
Course details
Co-op Work Term III (Welding Inspection)
- Hours: 420
- Credits: 14
- Pre-Requisites: CDEV1020 OR CEPR1020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Level 8
Course details
Co-op Work Term IV (Welding Inspection)
- Hours: 420
- Credits: 14
- Pre-Requisites: CDEV1020 OR CEPR1020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 9
Course details
Manufacturing Processes
This course will examine all production processes to effectively plan product manufacturing. Process planning and costing for manufacturing methods including cutting, stamping, machining, casting, assembly and coating will be studied. Knowledge of these processes will be used to effectively plan for manufacturing including sequence, resources, equipment and facilities required.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Design I
The basics of welded structural design including allowable stress, limit state, and plastic design will be introduced. The student will learn to calculate the required size of welds using the allowable stress method and the selection of filler metals of various strength levels to match the requirements of weld design codes such as CSA W59. Special emphasis will be placed upon identifying issues with designs or welding discontinuities that can affect the integrity of welded structures with an introduction fracture mechanics. The issues around the ductile to brittle fracture transition of structural steels, brittle fracture, and the special requirements of fatigue-loaded structures will be discussed.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2115
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Metallurgy II
- Hours: 70
- Credits: 5
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2175
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Technical Project I - A
Students must undertake a self directed technical project in their 3rd year of study. The purpose of this project is to expose the student to a typical project that would be undertaken by a Technologist in industry. Topics could include solving a manufacturing problem, developing a new welding procedure or evaluating the weldability of a unique material (or any other topic as mutually agreed to by the student and the faculty advisor). The purpose of this course is to research possible topics and to develop a comprehensive plan for implementation in Technical Project II. The student will develop experience in the processes of Project Management (planning phase) and additional skills in technical research.
- Hours: 14
- Credits: 1
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Welding Process Technology III
This course will include a review of advances in conventional welding processes including arc and resistance welding methods. Application of new consumables, power sources and equipment will be studied. Another component in this course will include a presentation project for a non-conventional welding process such as laser, ultrasonic or explosion welding for joining and non-joining applications.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2260
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Non-Destructive Evaluation A
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2185
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Level 10
Course details
Operations Management
This course will introduce the student to the process of manufacturing and how manufacturing operations are planned and managed. Special emphasis will be placed upon the process of bringing new products to market and relating the involvement of welding technology to this task. Topics will include: the concept of “Value-Adding”, production strategies and processes, concurrent engineering, design for manufacturability, “lean manufacturing”, plant and work-cell layout, process flowcharting and operation analysis, labour force planning, total productive maintenance, and health and safety management. A major student project will be included that will develop skills in the process of technical project management through the use of a welding manufacturing case study.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $36.30
Quality Assurance Systems
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Automation And Tooling
The course will develop knowledge in a wide range of technologies applicable to welding automation. Sensors such as limit switches and proximity switches will be studied as will their integration with a weldment fixturing, clamping and transfer tooling. Students will learn to apply automation including torch manipulators and carriages, weldment positioners, dedicated and flexible automation with both robotic and non-robotic technologies. The student will be able to utilize various locating, clamping, indexing and tool guiding devices as used in jigs and fixtures for the successful design of fabrication, welding and inspection operations.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Technical Project II - B
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD3170
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Non-Destructive Evaluation B
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: WELD3250
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $72.10
Welding Inspection & Quality Control Certification
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: WELD2020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Welding Design II
Applications of welding design in steel and aluminum structures, welded pressure vessels, and machinery will be covered. The performance of welds in service and welding failure analysis will also be introduced. Topics of discussion here include: lamellar tearing, hydrogen embrittlement, corrosion and weld cladding, stress corrosion cracking, wear and wearfacing and elevated temperature failures. The course will include the study of cases of welding design, materials selection, inspection technology, in industrial systems and welded structural failure for student evaluation and corrective action recommendations.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: WELD3070
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Please note:
Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs are based on the most recent available data through the Conestoga Campus Store.
Program outcomes
- Analyze and solve complex technical problems related to manufacturingenvironments through the application of engineering principles.
- Design and analyze components, processes and systemsthrough the application of engineering principles and practices.
- Analyze and prepare graphics and other technicaldocuments to appropriate engineering standards.
- Use computer hardware and software to support the engineeringenvironment.
- Assist in the specification of manufacturing operationsand processes.
- Apply knowledge of machinery, tools, and other equipment usedin manufacturing and assembling components.
- Specify, coordinate, and conduct quality control andquality assurance procedures.
- Recognize the environmental, economic, legal, safety and ethicalimplications of manufacturing projects.
- Use and maintain documentation, inventory, and records systems.
- Participate in the management of a manufacturing project.
- Develop strategies and plans to improve job performanceand work relationships.
- Select, assess, and test (using analytical, destructive,and non-destructive inspection techniques) materials, structures, and weldjoints to assure compliance with physical and metallurgical requirements.
- Integrate the science and best practices associated with weldinginspection, to assess product compliance and make recommendations