Bachelor of Digital Technology Solutions (Honours)

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Courses - September 2025

Level 1

Course details

Conestoga 101

Description: This self-directed course focuses on introducing new students to the supports, services, and opportunities available at Conestoga College. By the end of this course, students will understand the academic expectations of the Conestoga learning environment, as well as the supports available to ensure their academic success. Students will also be able to identify on-campus services that support their health and wellness, and explore ways to get actively involved in the Conestoga community through co-curricular learning opportunities.
  • Hours: 1
  • Credits: 0
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Scientific and Technical Communications

Description: Documents that are written for scientific or technical purposes are written in a very precise and specific way that does not permit variations in interpretation. This course will prepare students to communicate scientific and technical information concisely and accurately using appropriate formats and graphic support. Students will study technical communication theory/ practice and apply the knowledge to creating, critiquing, and presenting technical documents. An oral presentation will emphasize the clear and concise communication of technical details and the use of appropriate visual support for technical information.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Infrastructure Principles


A solid foundation in server operating systems, core infrastructure services, and computer infrastructure hardware is a base requirement for anyone working on digital technology solutions. Students will develop the necessary skills to install, configure and secure operating systems and core services in a cloud computing environment. Also, students will gain solid foundational knowledge of server and storage hardware components and their relationships

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Mathematics I


Digital solutions professionals require a sound mathematical foundation for logical reasoning and problem solving, which they will use to their advantage for computer programming, systems troubleshooting and solutions design. This course introduces linear algebra, logic, sets, vectors, and data structures as mathematical tools that are widely used in the information industry. Also included in the course will be business modelling tools such as cost-volume-profit analysis. The course is designed to help students translate business problems into mathematical formulations they can solve with computer systems and applications.

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Networking Principles


Sound knowledge and skills in data networking is a core requirement in solutions architecture to ensure effective communications. Protocol and communication standards and equipment needed to support a Local Area Network environment will be key focus areas of this course. Wide area networking will be introduced to lay the foundation for advanced concepts in future courses. Students will gain the foundational skills to configure computers, network switches, routers, network addressing and virtual networking while employing best practices to build a properly functioning basic business network.

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Programming Principles I


Computer programming is the discipline of writing instructions to the computer in order to perform repetitive numerical and logical tasks. Increasingly, these programs can be made to resemble human intelligence. This field is an essential component at the core of any kind of digital solution. In this introductory course, which will form the basis for several subsequent programming courses in this degree program, students use an object-oriented language to develop software solutions to business problems. Assignments illustrate the concepts of variables, decisions, scope, functions, repetition, and arrays. Problem solving logic is emphasized in order to develop business solutions. Students are required to use best practices to test and debug their projects

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Level 2

Course details

Operating Systems and System Services


This course will build on Infrastructure Principles to extend the students learning in operating systems and core services into more advanced areas and add common non-core services with a focus on system and service design. Students will apply critical thinking to develop the design specification for infrastructure services to meet system requirements. Students will also continue to build installation and configuration skills that have been previously introduced

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: INFO71000
  • CoRequisites:

Database Principles


Database systems are ubiquitous in the computing landscape. From enterprise servers to smartphones, the persistent storage of application data typically involves a database. Different types of databases and their application, including relational, document oriented, object oriented, flat file and in-memory will be a key focus in this course. Students will gain the skills required to install and configure various database systems. Students will also acquire a solid foundation in the use of the SQL data sublanguage, which is by far the most common means of accessing data in a relational database

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Programming Principles II


The logic skills of Programming Principles I are expanded in this course and conceptual skills are added in order to develop software applications according to best industry practices. Scripting languages are introduced to provide the basis for automated administration skills in later courses Students will complete assignments making use of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) to create a higher level of interactivity and will learn to incorporate the object concept - classes, objects, data-hiding, inheritance, polymorphism - in order to promote better system modelling, modularity, and reusability.

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG71050
  • CoRequisites:

Web Principles and Dynamic Websites


Most people would recognize the importance of the Web and most business applications are developed as web applications. This course introduces the student to web application development in which websites and web interfaces are able to save data to databases to make web commerce possible and to make for a better user experience. Students apply best practices of user interface design to the development of web sites. Assignments illustrate the use of client-side scripting to validate web forms. A server-side scripting language is used together with a database to implement data driven business solutions.

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Group Dynamics

Description: This course will focus on comprehensive theoretical understanding of group process, personal skill development and application through intensive team work. These skills are of critical importance in both professional and social settings. Through guided exploration and application of theoretical paradigms and practical strategies, students will achieve the necessary skills to succeed in and lead effective teams. The course consists in an intensive experiential approach – learning by doing – enabling participants to become effective, practiced team members with experience applying skills necessary for leadership, analysis and evaluation, problem solving, and conflict management. Individual and team activities enhance participants’ skills to work with a variety of personalities in diverse situations, and to effectively assume various professional roles within a team.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Level 3

Course details

Co-op and Career Preparation

Description: This series of modules prepares degree level students for job searching for their co-op work terms with the guidance of a Co-op Advisor. Students will examine the co-operative education policies and procedures and will learn the expectations, rules, and regulations that apply in the workplace concerning social, organizational, ethical, and safety issues while deepening their awareness of self-reflective practices. Students will critically reflect on their skills, attitudes, and expectations and evaluate available opportunities in the workplace. Successful completion of these modules is a requirement for co-op eligibility.
  • Hours: 14
  • Credits: 1
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Systems Analysis and Design


This course provides an overview of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and introduces students to several alternative methodologies of software development that they will encounter in industry. Students will be exposed to the complete workflow surrounding several SDLC methodologies with an emphasis on the agile development model. Students will exercise their critical thinking skills as they undertake the analysis and design phases of different methodologies in relevant case studies using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a documentation standard. In addition, students will compare and assess the different SDLC approaches and how these differing approaches impact risk, project management, and software quality.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Database Design and Normalization


Efficient database design is a cornerstone to successful digital solutions. This course will build on Database Principles while focusing on design and optimization of SQL and document-oriented databases. Typical topics will include data and entity modeling, normalization and indexing, efficient extraction of data and partitioning. By the end of the course, students will be able to evaluate database types based on solution requirements, and design and create basic databases

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: INFO71030
  • CoRequisites:

Networking Components and Design


This course continues to develop a student's knowledge of and skill in networking. Advanced network concepts and protocols will be introduced to students to work with throughout the course. An additional focus of the course will be to allow students more time to advance their skills in network design. Network device and communications security will be introduced for both local networks and remote access. Students will apply critical thinking to designing network addressing plans and network topologies to meet communications needs. Also, students will continue to develop configuration skills to build larger business networks

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: NTWK71000
  • CoRequisites:

Multi-Tier Applications: Development and Deployment


With the concept of data driven web applications introduced in the Dynamic Website Principles course, students will expand their skills into more complex applications and technologies such as higher-level data queries and data validation. Application deployment will also be introduced which will focus on the design, installation, and configuration of services to support the application in secure and scalable structures

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG71070
  • CoRequisites:

Understanding Research

Description: This course will present an overview of social scientific methods. The course will address the major components of the research process, including development of theoretically informed hypotheses, implementation of theoretical concepts, development of data collection instruments, testing of hypotheses through data analysis, and the presentation of research results. The student will develop the skills necessary to read and critically analyze social science research and discuss the ethics of social research.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Level 4

Course details

Business Analysis


The ability to understand, determine and apply metrics using computer generated data is a critical component to developing an effective digital technology solution. Solutions designers must be able to interpret data produced by business analysts for incorporation into the solution design. Students will focus on creating, extracting, analyzing, and reporting of data from a variety of sources. A key theme is understanding what the data is saying and how to communicate this information to a variety of stakeholders

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Cloud Computing Principles


Cloud computing is used almost exclusively in today's digital solutions, requiring a solid foundation in the core concepts of cloud computing technology. Hypervisors, hardware virtualization and common core components of cloud computing infrastructure form the focus of study. Students will develop the skills to install, configure and secure a virtual environment including compute, storage, and networking resources. Students will also be able to evaluate workload requirements to design a basic cloud infrastructure

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Automation and Orchestration


Automating routine tasks and making IT resources more self-service is a common goal in organizations to allow IT staff to perform more value-added work. This course introduces students to the automation of operations through tools available in this area. Students will use critical thinking and analysis skills to identify commonly repeated tasks and develop scripts to automate that work. Students will also be able to deploy and configure a typical orchestration system to provide user-deployed services

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Programming Mobile Applications


The greatest development to computing in recent decades has been the introduction of mobile devices, which has had the effect of making computing ubiquitous. In addition to many recreational and personal purposes, mobile applications are now solidly integrated into business systems, the effectiveness of which can make or break a business enterprise. This course teaches the student to build mobile applications using current industry practices and tools. The student will learn client-side smart device development including offline data access, testing, debugging, security, deployment, and exception handling. Students will write mobile web applications and will be introduced to developing mobile web applications, all of which will run on popular mobile devices

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG71070
  • CoRequisites:

Web and Wireless Systems Design


The use of mobile technologies and wireless communications is ubiquitous in business today. The effective integration of these technologies into digital solutions is critical to their success. This course explores web versus native mobile apps and the impact of wireless communications. Students will design high level approaches to mobile device management and mobile application deployment, while considering application performance and the security impact of web versus native apps

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: NTWK72000
  • CoRequisites:

Electives: Interdisciplinary Elective
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Level 5

Course details

Cooperative Work Term I (Bachelor of Digital Technology Solutions)


The first co-op work term will provide students with college-approved work experience within a computer and information systems environment which includes positions in information systems, information technology, applications, software development and vendor relations. Students will be provided an opportunity to: build skills (physical and procedural skills including accuracy, precision, and efficiency); assist in the acquisition of knowledge in and application of knowledge gained in the academic setting (concepts and terminology in a discipline or field of study); develop critical, creative, and dialogical thinking (improved thinking and reasoning processes); cultivate problem solving and decision-making abilities (mental strategies for finding solutions and making choices); explore attitudes, feelings, and perspectives (awareness of attitudes, biases, and other perspectives, ability to collaborate); practice professional judgment (sound judgment and appropriate professional action in complex, context dependent situations); and reflect on experience (self-discovery and personal growth from real-world experience)

  • Hours: 420
  • Credits: 14
  • Pre-Requisites: CEPR71050
  • CoRequisites:

Level 6

Course details

Business Culture Meets Digital Solutions


Modern solutions architects require strong interpersonal skills and a strong sensitivity to business culture to thrive in the rapidly changing and diverse Canadian workplace. Furthermore, solutions architects have the opportunity to seek career opportunities over a wide variety of organizations and industries in the course of their careers. Students will perform exercises and complete case studies that address a wide variety of business cultural situations that reflect the practices of the modern workplace. They will also develop marketing techniques to help them apply their skills to career opportunities that will suit them best.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Public Cloud Infrastructure


The deployment of digital solutions in public cloud environments is a common practice for businesses of all sizes. As a result, there are many public cloud providers offering different combinations and levels of services. Selection of a cloud provider can greatly affect solution performance, cost and in some cases regulatory compliance. Students will evaluate services offered by various vendors and select appropriate services to assist organizations with deploying services to public cloud providers. Students will also configure resources in public cloud infrastructures

  • Hours: 70
  • Credits: 5
  • Pre-Requisites: INFO72070
  • CoRequisites:

Security Principles I


As digital technology becomes increasingly entwined in all facets of modern life, vulnerabilities are increasing in number and severity. Solutions professionals and designers have increasingly greater responsibilities to secure the systems that are within the scope of their work. Hackers are persistent and inventive. As a result, threats can come in many forms, from many sources, and can be combined. As a result, the solutions professional must have knowledge of many types of threats. In this survey course, students will investigate those threats as well as strategies for handling those threats. Topics will include encryption, SQL injections, URL backdoors, malware, wireless and cloud computing vulnerabilities, code level, security, and physical security. Special attention will be paid to building security into the design and development of digital solutions

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: NTWK72000
  • CoRequisites:

Electives: Interdisciplinary Elective
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Electives: Program Option
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

View Program Option Electives

Please note that all courses may not be offered in all semesters. Go to your student portal for full timetabling details under "My Courses".

Enterprise Application Architecture Development


Large enterprise systems require greater degrees of modularity and complexity. This course builds on the Multi-tier Applications course to provide students with knowledge of best practices for solution architecture of large scale, distributed systems. Topics will focus on large scale software architecture to support distributed systems, availability, scalability, performance, and security. Students will integrate programming, systems analysis and database design knowledge and skills to design, model and develop applications

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG72000
  • CoRequisites:

Enterprise Application Architecture Infrastructure


Large enterprise systems require greater degrees of modularity and complexity. This course builds on the Multi-tier Applications course to provide students with knowledge of best practices for solution architecture of large scale, distributed systems, and will introduce the concepts of Continuous Delivery. Topics will focus on large scale infrastructure architecture including architectural planning, deployment, availability, scalability, observability, performance, and security. Students will integrate networking, virtualization and automation knowledge and skills to evaluate, design and build infrastructures.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG72000
  • CoRequisites:

Electives: Program Option
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

View Program Option Electives

Please note that all courses may not be offered in all semesters. Go to your student portal for full timetabling details under "My Courses".

Database Availability and Scalability


Ensuring the availability and integrity of, and high-performance access to, back-end data is critical in the functioning of practically all dynamic business solutions. Infrastructure professionals employ many techniques to support effective access to databases as applications are used and grow, including scale-up, scale-out, clustering and load balancing. Students will evaluate and implement various options based on application requirements and available technology

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: INFO72040
  • CoRequisites:

Advanced Database Technologies


Design of databases using advanced features is critical to supporting solution performance, availability and scalability. This course introduces advanced techniques used in developing client server database applications. Included are triggers and stored procedures which are used to improve performance of applications. Form and report generation tools are introduced as they make the report development process simpler and more powerful. Attention is paid to Data Definition Language, Data Management Language and data migration as these technologies facilitate the development and modification of complex database systems. The course also expands on NoSQL technologies for their scalability and cloud friendliness. Object-Oriented database technologies are explored as they as their use can result in performance enhancement

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: INFO72040
  • CoRequisites:

Level 7

Course details

Cooperative Work Term II (Bachelor of Digital Technology Solutions)


The second co-op work term will provide students with college-approved work experience within a computer and information systems environment which includes positions in information systems, information technology, applications, software development and vendor relations. Students will be provided an opportunity to: build skills (physical and procedural skills including accuracy, precision, and efficiency); assist in the acquisition of knowledge in and application of knowledge gained in the academic setting (concepts and terminology in a discipline or field of study); develop critical, creative, and dialogical thinking (improved thinking and reasoning processes); cultivate problem solving and decision-making abilities (mental strategies for finding solutions and making choices); explore attitudes, feelings, and perspectives (awareness of attitudes, biases, and other perspectives, ability to collaborate); practice professional judgment (sound judgment and appropriate professional action in complex, context-dependent situations); and reflect on experience (self-discovery and personal growth from real-world experience).

  • Hours: 420
  • Credits: 14
  • Pre-Requisites: CEPR71050
  • CoRequisites:

Level 8

Course details

Architectural Design I


An important outcome of solutions design is taking business requirements and developing designs of the digital systems required to implement those goals. Those designs take the form of charts, diagrams, tables, dictionaries, and technical specifications which can then be used by industry professionals – developers, administrators, and engineers - to procure hardware, software and third party services that will be assembled and configured to form the solution. In this course, students will synthesize the network, application, database, and web design skills they have acquired throughout the program to solve practical business case studies by developing high level designs for appropriate digital solutions. In this course students from the development and infrastructure majors will collaborate to architect solutions using their respective focus

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Privacy, Ethics and Law


Organizations are facing increasing public accountability for issues such as: privacy of data, inclusivity, fair treatment of stakeholders, corporate mergers and acquisitions, and management of publicly traded assets. This accountability can take the form of legal repercussions as well as loss of business resulting from negatively perceived initiatives. In this course, students will complete case studies relating to legal standards for corporate systems, fairness in interpersonal relations and corporate asset management.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Security Principles II


Building on Security Principles I, this course will focus on security planning for digital solutions using threat modelling and risk management tools and concepts. Governance and data residency will also be explored with respect to various national laws and acts pertaining to both general data privacy as well as specific data including health and finance. Students will also be introduced to designing and implementing compliance audits. In this course, students will design security components in their area of specialization while collaborating with students from the other major to develop complete solutions, providing a richer learning experience

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: SECU73030
  • CoRequisites:

Electives: Program Option
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

View Program Option Electives

Please note that all courses may not be offered in all semesters. Go to your student portal for full timetabling details under "My Courses".

High Availability and Performance in Cloud Solutions


Organizations rely on digital solutions always being available and highly performant. In many cases, the load on those solutions can be highly dynamic. This course will build on previous cloud courses while focusing on, techniques to ensure solutions are resilient to infrastructure failures and capacity scaling to ensure adequate performance. Students will evaluate solution requirements and various methods and techniques to meet solution needs

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: INFO72070
  • CoRequisites:

Advanced Mobile Applications


The development skills of the Programming Mobile Applications course are further developed and applied to the development of native apps on mobile platforms such as Apple (iOS) and Android. Through the analysis of evolving technologies (phone, tablet, smartwatch) and by using current develop tools, native applications will be developed for both platforms, using common development standards. Emphasis will be placed on performance, network reliability, deployment, testing / troubleshooting and debugging of mobile solutions

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG72010
  • CoRequisites:

Electives: Program Option
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

View Program Option Electives

Please note that all courses may not be offered in all semesters. Go to your student portal for full timetabling details under "My Courses".

Software Quality


The development of high-quality software has many dimensions to it: from the initial specifications, to accuracy of the code, to the final User Experience. This project course will build on programming and problem-solving skills, awareness of software engineering fundamentals, understanding of computer systems architecture and mathematical concepts to explore the development of new software solutions from well-crafted specifications. Students will gain software testing experience through the development of unit tests, integration tests, regression tests, acceptance tests and usability tests. Communications skills will be enhanced by reporting on test outcomes. Students will be introduced to research techniques to explore how to implement appropriate tests and to critically examine the results of these tests

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Infrastructure as Code


The goal in digital solutions is for infrastructure to be automatically and continuously configured from a definition of its characteristics and is a key component of DevOps best practices. Students will extend the skills gained in the Automation and Orchestration course to further automate provisioning and management of infrastructure resources

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: INFO72080
  • CoRequisites:

Electives: Program Option
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

View Program Option Electives

Please note that all courses may not be offered in all semesters. Go to your student portal for full timetabling details under "My Courses".

Advanced Network Design


More advanced and complex networking technologies will be the focus of this course, which continues to build on previous networking courses. Students will acquire skills in the design and implementation of data center network architecture and larger scale wide area networking. Technologies new to the field of networking will also be introduced to support evaluation of applicability to network architecture

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: NTWK72000
  • CoRequisites:

Microservices and Web APIs


In this course students will design and develop Web APIs by building microservices that expose a Web API by applying the principles of REST. Students will also develop code that consumes existing Web APIs and explore, through hands-on examples, the use of other Web-based integration technologies such as gRPC, Webhooks, and GraphQL. The emphasis throughout the course will be on a design first approach and the use of the OpenAPI standard as a means of representing the design of a Web API independent from its implementation

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG71070
  • CoRequisites:

Level 9

Course details

Cooperative Work Term III (Bachelor of Digital Technology Solutions)


The third co-op work term will provide students with college-approved work experience within a computer and information systems environment which includes positions in information systems, information technology, applications, software development and vendor relations. Students will be provided an opportunity to: build skills (physical and procedural skills including accuracy, precision, and efficiency); assist in the acquisition of knowledge in and application of knowledge gained in the academic setting (concepts and terminology in a discipline or field of study); develop critical, creative, and dialogical thinking (improved thinking and reasoning processes); cultivate problem solving and decision-making abilities (mental strategies for finding solutions and making choices); explore attitudes, feelings, and perspectives (awareness of attitudes, biases, and other perspectives, ability to collaborate); practice professional judgment (sound judgment and appropriate professional action in complex, context-dependent situations); and reflect on experience (self-discovery and personal growth from real-world experience).

  • Hours: 420
  • Credits: 14
  • Pre-Requisites: CEPR71050
  • CoRequisites:

Level 10

Course details

Innovation in Architectural Design


Almost everyone is aware of the pace at which digital technology changes in the Information Age, and no one is affected more by this fact than the developers and designers of digital systems. Therefore, it is essential that, rather than being overwhelmed by change, solutions designers be able to embrace change and have strategies for effectively evaluating and incorporating new technologies and methodologies into the systems that they design. In this course, emerging trends in digital systems design will be explored. Students will work through assignments in which they research new technologies and design methodologies and evaluate them for application to business purposes. An important component of this course is that students will research and develop proposals for their capstone projects to be developed further in their final semester

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Architectural Design II


This course will build on the high-level design techniques of Architectural Design I by providing case studies requiring greater technological sophistication and by teaching students to develop designs that are more modular, layered, and detailed. Students will be required to demonstrate how their solution designs relate to the evolving needs of the modern organization and to build scalability and flexibility into their designs as required by the modern business organization. Students will be required to support their choices by using appropriate mathematical modelling techniques

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: ARCH73030
  • CoRequisites:

Dev Ops


DevOps combines software development with IT operations to rapidly release software updates through the extensive use of automation in both the development and delivery areas to produce high quality solutions. This course combines unique components of many other courses in the program including programming, testing, automation and deployment into a modern CI/CD solutions approach. Students will explore and implement tools typical in a DevOps environment. In this course students from the development and infrastructure majors will collaborate to build complete DevOps based environments

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG71060
  • CoRequisites:

Internet of Things


Network connected smart sensors are increasingly being incorporated into any number of devices: cars, household appliances, home entertainment systems and even pets in the creation of smart homes and cities. There is a growing call to integrate information from these devices and “things” with the sorts of computers which have become familiar: desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones, in order to satisfy business and consumer needs. Students will learn how to connect such devices, collect data from multiple sources and synthesize that data to foster new entrepreneurial opportunities. They will learn to protect business and consumers against the security vulnerabilities created by such systems. Students will learn to develop high level designs that incorporate Internet of Things into larger systems

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: NTWK72000
  • CoRequisites:

Marketing and eCommerce


Since the front end of a digital system, such as a website or an app interface, is what consumers are most exposed to when seeking new products or services, it is the best opportunity to market to the consumer. In this course, students will be introduced to the aesthetics of web sites including colour, layout and font in order to create designs and plans for creating friction and branding. They will also learn about technical aspects of interface design such as SEO, website analytics, data visualization and heatmaps

  • Hours: 28
  • Credits: 2
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Level 11

Course details

Solutions Architecture Capstone


This capstone course represents a culmination of the students' skills and attitudes developed through the program and is intended to showcase their talents to employers and interested stakeholders. Students will bring forward their proposals developed in the Innovation in Architectural Design course. They will work in teams, either for a business client or as part of an entrepreneurial endeavour, to design a business information system. Important phases may include, and are not limited to, requirements gathering, system design, specifications of hardware, software, security, personnel and training, documentation, departmental organizational design, facilities design, ticket system design, plus an investigation into innovative technological and business opportunities

  • Hours: 84
  • Credits: 6
  • Pre-Requisites: ARCH74160
  • CoRequisites:



Increasingly, the business of a company is becoming indistinguishable from the technology that delivers it. This is true of any number of app and web-based businesses, such as social media, dating services, and ride and food delivery services. But even in cases where the business delivers very tangible products, such as manufactured materials and products, sophisticated systems are required to make the business competitive. Startups will sink or swim on the basis of how their business model recoups the cost of their digital technologies. Therefore, the solutions architect will be at the centre of making a business viable. To this end, students will learn to develop business plans and change management strategies, investigate sources of venture capital, and complete exercises in strategic planning and prepare presentations and proposals for stakeholders

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity


Ensuring that a business can continue to operate in the face of a natural or human-caused disaster is a major challenge with today's businesses' reliance on digital solutions. The frequency of cyber-attacks of all types is increasing that challenge. Students will develop the skills to evaluate and select options to back up and recover data and ensure availability of services while considering data privacy and residency as well as legal requirements

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: INFO73070
  • CoRequisites:

Corporate Distributed Systems and Telecommuting


Social, economic, environmental and health factors are all causing business organizations to reevaluate their models for the workplace. What is clear is that, going forward, these models will become more diverse and fluid than at any point in history. As a result, the solutions designer will be called on to embrace, evaluate and develop innovative systems that reflect this evolution. Students will work through case studies and hands-on exercises that pull together skills and concepts in third party collaborative tools, BYOD, telecommuting, inclusivity and accessibility. Also emphasized will be cost-benefit analysis which will be used as a tool to offer stakeholders compelling choices for workplace models

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Emerging Technologies and Interfaces


In this seminar course, students research and prepare presentations on topics dealing with information and digital technologies that have recently come to market. Students will be required to evaluate the impact of these technologies on existing IT products and services as well as to predict new products and trends that might result from these developments. Possible topics may include: quantum computing, the Semantic Web, wearable computing, drones, etc., and will evolve over time to reflect current trends and needs

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:

Program outcomes

  1. Assess hardware, software and cloud technologies by proposing computing technology that meets business requirements.
  2. Determine and interpret business needs to form the input to the solutions development process by applying industry best practices.
  3. Apply analytical and critical thinking to synthesize information from multiple sources to design and develop complex digital technology solutions.
  4. Create solutions to ensure conformance to security, privacy, human impact and reliability requirements, and risk posture.
  5. Build and integrate digital technology systems to meet organizational requirements using industry best practices.
  6. Design and develop processes to continually evolve digital solution quality, ensuring data accuracy and optimum system performance.
  7. Assess current systems architecture to design and develop recommendations that reflect new paradigms and trends that improve business performance.
  8. Apply concepts of group dynamics and organizational behaviour when leading diverse teams in support of establishing and maintaining effective working relationships.
  9. Communicate complex concepts to technical and non-technical audiences using written, oral, and graphical methods producing effective reports, presentations, design documentation, and instructions.
  10. Interpret professional, ethical, and legal codes of practice required to be in compliance with legislation and professional standards.
  11. Apply professional ethics, accountability and equity to demonstrate, value and respect diversity across global and societal contexts.
  12. Address individual needs for continuing education and professional development to maintain technical and professional competence, and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge.