
Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3357

Our locations

Kitchener - Doon

We are located in the main building, 2B10-6, between doors #4 and #5, directly across from the library.

299 Doon Valley Drive
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4
Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3357
Fax: 519-748-3567
Kitchener - Downtown 49 Frederick Street
Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6M7
Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3357
Kitchener - 3065 King Street3065 King Street
Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6M7
Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3357
Cambridge - Fountain Street

We are located in the main foyer. 

850 Fountain Street South
Cambridge, Ontario N3H 0A8
Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3357

We are located by Door 1. 

108 University Ave. East
Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2W2
Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3357

We are located in room A5, beside the main entrance. 

460 Speedvale Ave. West
Guelph, Ontario N1H 0A8
Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3357

274 Colborne Street 

Brantford, Ontario N3T 2H5

Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3357
Emergency: 519-748-5220, ext. 5555

50 Wellington Street 

Brantford, Ontario N3T 2L6

We are located at 107 on the main floor. 

Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3357
Emergency: 519-748-5220, ext. 5555

Important contact numbers

College services
Accessibility Services519-748-5220, ext. 3232
Counselling Services519-748-5220, ext. 3360
Facilities & Capital Development
519-748-5220, ext. 3329
Health Services519-748-5220, ext. 3679 or 2359
Occupational Health and Safety519-748-5220, ext. 3357
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention & Support Office519-748-5220, ext. 3079
Kitchener/Waterloo services
Waterloo Regional Police Services519-570-9777 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency)
Grand River Hospital (GRH)519-742-3611
St. Mary's Hospital519-744-3311
Crisis Services of Waterloo Region 519-744-1813
Food Bank of Waterloo Region519-743-5576
Here 24/71-844-437-3247

Distress lines

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) crisis line1-833-456-4566
Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region519-741-8633
Mental health care at GRH519-742-3611
Victim Support Line1-888-579-2888
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline1-888-230-3505
Drug and Alcohol treatment info line1-800-565-8603

Emergency housing

Anselma House (Women's shelter)519-742-5894
YW Emergency Shelter519-744-0120
House of Friendship (Men's shelter)519-742-8327
Kiwanis House (Men's shelter, 16-21)519-578-0171
Cambridge services
Waterloo Regional Police Services519-570-9777 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency)
Cambridge Memorial Hospital519-621-2330
Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank
Here 24/7 (addictions, mental health and crisis) 1-844-437-3247

Distress lines

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) 1-833-456-4566
Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region519-741-8633

Emergency housing

Haven House519-653-2422 or 1-800-410-4482
For women: 519-650-0452 or 1-877-818-0388           
For men: 519-623-7991 or 1-877-818-0388
Guelph services
Guelph Police Service
519-824-1212 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency)
Guelph General Hospital519-822-5350
Guelph Food Bank 519-767-1380

Distress lines

Crisis line519-821-0140 or 1-877-822-0140
Distress Centre Wellington/Dufferin519-821-3760 or 1-888-821-3760
Dufferin Sexual Assault Helpline
519-836-5710 or 1-800-265-7233
OUTline (LGBTQ2+ support) 519-836-4550
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline 1-888-230-3505
Drug and Alcohol treatment info line 1-800-565-8603

Emergency housing

Emily Murphy Centre
519-273-7350 or 1-888-508-6101
Optimism Place (women and children)519-271-5550 or 1-800-265-8598
Anselma House
Marianne's Place (women in crisis)519-836-5710 or 1-800-265-7233
The Stepping Stone (men's shelter)
Family Transition Place519-941-4357 or 1-800-265-9178
Brantford services
Brantford General Hospital 519-751-5544
Brant County Health Unit Offers a sexual health clinic with professionals who can test for and treat STIs, and also offers family planning services (HIV testing, condoms, birth control, etc.).
Canadian Mental Health Association - Brant County Focuses on the mental health of the community through education and support services for people with serious mental illnesses and their families.
Grand River Community Health Centre 519-754-0777
Family Counselling Centre of Brant Offers counseling services by a team of Master's level therapists to individuals, couples, and families in distress, in a confidential atmosphere. They have a women's group that helps women who are survivors of emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse.
The Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line 1-800-268-9688
Text: 647-694-4275
De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre 519-752-4340
Six Nations Health Services Services include ambulance, maternal/child programs, mental health, etc.

Distress lines

Sexual Assault Centre Brantford 519-751-1164
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence (SADV) Treatment and Care
519‑751‑5544, ext. 4449
Ganǫhkwásra’ Family Assault Support Services 24-hour crisis line: 519-445-4324
Child and Family Services of Grand Erie
519-753-8681 (Protection concerns - 24-hour support)
Stratford services
Stratford Police Services519-271-4141 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency)
Stratford General Hospital519-271-2120
Food Bank (Stratford House of Blessing)519-273-3433

Distress lines

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) crisis line1-833-456-4566
Provincial services
Ontario Provincial Police
(ambulance, fire, police)
9-1-1 (emergency)
1-888-310-1122 (non-emergency)
Assaulted Women's Helpline 1-866-863-0511
Crime Stoppers
1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
(addiction, mental health, and problem gambling treatment services)
(confidential support for post-secondary students available 24/7/365)
Tel: 1-866-925-5454
Text: GOOD2TALKON to 686868
Kids Help Phone
Tel: 1-800-668-6868
Text: CONNECT to 686868
Ontario Poison Centre
Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres
Telehealth Ontario
(for general medical inquiries - you can speak to a nurse 24/7)
TTY: 1-866-797-0007