Spring 2025 full-time registration and enrolment information
Registration/enrolment information
- Student access to spring term timetables starts April 14, 2025.
- Elective selection starts April 14, 2025.
- Registration for part-time students starts April 28, 2025.
Course selection (course & program options)
- The Student Portal opens April 14, 2025, at which time students may add/drop courses for the term.
- If students cannot complete registration through the Student Portal, they must complete a Course Change Request Form found in the Student Portal, under the "Services" tab, "My Forms" sub-tab.
- General Education elective, Interdisciplinary elective (B436) and Communication and CDEV (B435) course requests for students should not be added to the Course Change Request Form.
Course selection (Gen Ed. INDS. electives, COMM, CDEV (ECC) courses)
- Full-time students have self-service ability to add General Education electives, Interdisciplinary electives (B436) and Communications and CDEV (B435) courses.
- To add these courses, students will log in to the Student Portal, go to the My Courses tab, and select Add Course/Choose Elective.
Log in to
- Username: Your full Conestoga email address.
- Password: The same password as your network login.
Registration instructions
When communicating with a student, it is your responsibility to ensure:
- the accuracy of the course/section number
- a timetable conflict doesn't occur due to the added course(s)
Approval of the program chair is required:
- if you are allowing registration in a course section despite a known timetable conflict. On the Course Change Request form, in the Special Instructions section, you must select Timetable Conflict. The form will then be re-routed to the chair for review and approval.
- if you are allowing registration in a course in which pre-requisite(s) have not been met. On the Course Change Request form, in the Special Instructions section, you must select Force Enrol and include an explanation in the Program Team Comments section of the form. The form will then be re-routed to the chair for review and approval.
Supplemental information
Supplemental requests are completed through Laserfiche, initiated by a student or faculty. Refer to Faculty instructions for supplemental requests (pdf).
Extra course fees
A full-time cohort student is one who has been admitted to and enrolled in a minimum of 70 per cent of the hours, or 66 2/3 per cent of the courses in the current session/level of the program of study.
Extra course fees will apply for additional courses (above the normal course load for the session). Students are encouraged to follow their program design and refer to their Progress Report regularly (Student Portal > My Courses tab) to ensure they are selecting electives and program options in the appropriate level(s). Re-enrolment in failed or missed courses will result in additional course fees.
Students must pay fees for part-time and additional courses via the Student Portal within 72 hours (3 days) of the course being added by the Enrolment Officer. For international students who have added surplus courses in their level and qualify for the domestic rate, fees and course adjustments will be done automatically by the Registrar's Office.
Part-time registration
Part-time registration begins one week prior to the term start date through the
Student Portal. An individual requesting registration for a course that is not available through their student portal and part of a full-time cohort program, must submit a
Part-time Studies Course Registration Form.
Student campus change request
Level 1 students
Students must contact Admissions (admissions@conestogac.on.ca or internationaladmissions@conestogac.on.ca).
Note: Campus changes are not permitted for international students in level 1 or 2. Students must complete 1 full year of their program to request a campus change.
Level 2 students and above (Level 3 for international students)
Students must contact their program coordinator (PC) or Student Success Advisor (SSA). If a seat at the requested campus is available:
1. PC or SSA must complete the Course Change Request - Faculty form in Laserfiche, as students do not have the change campus option on their form version.
- Check ‘YES’ beside ‘Do you want to change the campus’.
- Select the appropriate campus from the drop-down menu.
- In the ‘Program Team Comments’ box, add any relevant comments.
- Click ‘Submit’.
2. The form will be automatically routed to the program chair for approval.
- If rejected, the PC and student will be notified by email.
- If approved, the form will be routed to the Enrolment Officer team to process the campus change. The PC and student will be notified by email. **The student does not need to complete any other forms (Withdrawal, Advanced Standing, etc.).
Programs with a co-op work term
Students must check their Financial tab each term for any outstanding fees on their account. A student in a co-op work term may not have any program-related fees owing, but charges for the CSI Health Plan and insurance may still apply.