Survey Policy

Policy Owner: Associate Vice-President, Analysis & Quality
Policy Lead(s): Director, Institutional Research and Planning

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Academic Coordinating Committee
Policy Owner:
Associate Vice-President, Analysis & Quality
Policy Lead(s):
Director, Institutional Research and Planning
Effective date:

Policy Statement

The objective of this policy is to ensure that surveys undertaken at Conestoga and presented in Conestoga’s name are of sufficient quality to ensure reliable and meaningful results.


This policy applies to all surveys which involve a broad sampling or census of a population at Conestoga (including applicants, students, alumni, donors, employees and employers).


  • individual faculty research that does not involve any of the above mentioned target audiences;
  • surveys that involve small, specific sampling that do not occur outside of/beyond the School level;
  • surveys that are part of assigned work of a course or program requirements;
  • evaluation of an event by participants or feedback from clients at the point of service.

If there is any uncertainty as to whether or not the survey falls under this policy, Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) should be contacted for guidance.


Conestoga College maintains a glossary of terms specific to the institution. The terms in use for this document are defined below.

Conestoga Community
refers to all registered students, both full-time and part-time; all paid employees, full-time, part-time and casual; all others associated with Conestoga including board members, retirees, alumni or volunteers, and visitors who are granted temporary permission to use Conestoga’s Information Technology resources.
Conestoga Employee
means any employee of Conestoga, whether employed full-time, part-time, or on contract basis, and includes, but is not limited to, faculty, researchers, support staff and administrators.
Conestoga Students
refers to all students working with or without monetary compensation on any project under the direction and control of Conestoga.
Anyone who conducts research activities.


The purpose of this policy is to assist Conestoga employees in conducting surveys in an economical and efficient manner and with a minimum of disruption to College employees, students, and external stakeholders while also maximize the benefits of surveys through:

  • Avoiding the collection of duplicate information;
  • Reducing possible survey fatigue by limiting the number and timing of surveys to any one specific group;
  • Maximizing the participation rates for critical college administrative surveys;
  • Encouraging the communication and sharing of survey results with survey respondents and the broader campus community.

All surveys (excluding those undertaken by external providers) are expected to utilize Conestoga’s college-wide survey software unless the researcher(s) and the Office of Institutional Research and Planning agree that special circumstances warrant use of another system.

Revision Log

2018-04-25Policy and Procedure Committee
2018-05-09Academic Coordinating Committee
Survey Policy