Program Development Procedure

Policy Owner: Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s): Director, Program Planning and Pathways  

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Academic Coordinating Committee
Policy Owner:
Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s):
Director, Program Planning and Pathways  
Defining policy:
Program Development Policy
Effective date:
Date of last approval:

Procedure Statement

Program development at Conestoga is central to the function of meeting the needs of the Conestoga community. The development process considers Conestoga's Strategic Mandate Agreement and Strategic Plan, workforce needs, confirmation of program viability and sustainability, and external regulatory/accrediting body requirements, as appropriate.

This procedure defines how programs are developed at Conestoga.


Conestoga College maintains a glossary of terms specific to the institution. The terms in use for this document are defined below.

Academic Coordinating Committee (ACC)
This senior academic committee provides a forum for academic planning and operations within the framework of the Strategic Plan, and other goals and initiatives identified by the senior management and the Board of Governors. The committee is responsible for this in context of Conestoga’s overall and academic quality. The committee also provides necessary interface with Conestoga’s other committees, departments and offices.
Academic Forum
This academic committee oversees all academic activities that support quality and sustainability and the institutional priorities of the college related to improving teaching, learning and the quality of academic programs of study.
Academic Management Calendar
Conestoga’s calendar of critical dates used to manage the implementation of decisions related to new programs of study, development, delivery and change in programs of study. It also drives the communication of academic dates and activities for student enrolment (admission, billing, registration) and progression.
Advisory Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (ACASA)
This sub-committee of the Board of Governors has the responsibility to examine and discuss all program proposals approved by Academic Coordinating Committee (ACC) and make a recommendation to the Board of Governors (BOG) and to receive information and updates on key initiatives within Conestoga which affect the quality of its academic operations
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors (BoG) has responsibility for establishing the overall goals, objectives and strategic directions of Conestoga. The BoG ensures that the college operates efficiently and effectively and is developing in ways that are consistent with the stated goals, objectives and strategic direction.
Credential Validation Service (CVS)
The Credential Validation Service (CVS) provides timely validation of programs of study to the colleges. The CVS service is consistent with the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive, Framework for Programs of Instruction.
Awarded upon completion of a program of study as set out by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities as defined in the Credential Framework found in the binding policy directive for Programs of Instruction, April 1, 2004. Approved credentials are as follows:
  • Baccalaureate Degree
  • Ontario College Graduate Certificate
  • Ontario College Advanced Diploma
  • Ontario College Diploma
  • Ontario College Certificate
  • College Certificate
Essential Employability Skills (EES)
Essential Employability Skills are non-vocational skills critical for success in the workplace, in day-to-day living, and for lifelong learning that students learn as part of the formal curriculum, and as stipulated by the Ministry. 
General Education Course
A course that engages students in learning beyond their vocational field of study. The course will fall into at least one of the following five MCU mandated themes: Arts in Society, Civic Life, Social and Cultural Understanding, Personal Understanding, and Science and Technology.
Labour Market Report
An academic and labour market scan done to research and prove viability within the region.
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes represent culminating demonstrations of learning and achievement. They are interrelated and, as a result, should be viewed as a comprehensive whole rather than in isolation. Learning outcomes describe performances that demonstrate that significant integrated learning by graduates of the program of study has been achieved and verified. Learning outcomes can also be referred to as graduate attributes, i.e., the knowledge, values and skills possessed and demonstrated by graduates.
Post-Secondary Education Quality Assurance Board (PEQAB)
The Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board is an Ontario agency that makes recommendations to the Minister of Colleges and Universities of Ontario on applications for ministerial consent under the terms of the Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000.
Program Advisory Committee (PAC)
The Program Advisory Committee provides advice on academic program development, review and relevance, changes/trends in business and industry affecting programs, students and graduates, technological implications of changes/trends, employment prospects etc.
Program Development Advisory Committee (PDAC)
The Program Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) provides advice and support for all new programs of study, including degree program of study development, in accordance with Ministry policy.
Program Planning and Review Committee (PPRC)
The program planning and review committee is a standing committee comprised of representatives from each department and school. The committee ensures that curriculum development and review are consistent with approved processes.
Program/Program of Study
An academic program that leads to issuance of a post-secondary credential or certificate for a particular area of study. 
Refers to an established cluster of courses identified in the Program of Study.


Academic Schools

  • Align new program development with Conestoga's strategic vision, mission and values, the Strategic Mandate Agreement and the strategic enrolment management plan for the school.
  • Confirm expectations and requirements of external regulatory/accrediting bodies and consult with PACs and related industry experts.
  • Facilitate and document endorsement(s) from the appropriate PAC/PDAC prior to presentation to ACC, for appropriate credentials.
  • Work collaboratively with institutional subject matter experts including, but not limited to, the following departments: Program Planning and Pathways, Online Learning Centre, Facilities Management, Finance, Registrar's Office, Information Technology, Co-operative Education, Career Services and Work Integrated Learning, Institutional Research, and Marketing, as necessary.
  • Adhere to Conestoga delivery and implementation schedules for program release and intake.
  • Develop marketing materials in collaboration with Marketing and ensure that revisions are made to the Academic School Handbook prior to the start of a program.

Registrar's Office

  • Ensure all admission-related approvals are in place before admission information is made active in internal and external systems.
  • Enter admission information into appropriate internal and external systems for admission processing on notification of program approval.
  • Advise the academic school on program launch times according to admission requirements and intake of program cohorts.
  • Review credit transfer opportunities or challenges with proposed program design.
  • Review admission requirements and outline the impact of program design on cohorts as they complete each academic level of the program.

Program Planning and Pathways

  • Work collaboratively with the academic school to provide guidance in ensuring program development is in compliance with Ontario Qualifications Framework, as outlined within the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002 and/or Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000 and associated Directives, Guidelines, and Operating Procedures.
  • Ensure program learning outcomes align with provincial program standards (where they exist) or with the validated program description and that they drive the development of program structure and design.
  • Provide advice and relevant training to the academic school related to the alignment and building of curriculum from concept through implementation phases, in accordance with best practices.
  • Manage CVS and Ministry approval processes for programs.
  • Manage internal and external program development documentation requirements, coordinates all approval procedures, and notifies academic schools of applicable approvals and related Ministry decisions.
  • Submit program development documentation per Conestoga's publication schedules and the Academic Management Calendar.
  • Ensure all approvals are in place before the program is made active in internal and external systems.
  • Load and maintain new and existing programs into the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.
  • Develop, review, and revise program development documents and workflows in consultation with Conestoga stakeholders.
  • Align program development requirements across credentials and determine opportunities for alignment with other external regulatory/accreditation bodies, where applicable.
  • Liaise with the Program Planning and Review Committee, Academic Forum, and other internal bodies related to the policies, procedures, and scheduling requirements related to program development, delivery, maintenance, and review.
  • Plan, develop, and deliver professional development opportunities related to program development and activation at Conestoga College.
  • Stay apprised of practices for the development of programs internally and externally for integration at Conestoga.
  • Develop and/or support initiatives across the institution related to the capacity, sustainability, and quality of program delivery, faculty, and student experiences across the institution that support new program development and management. 

Facilities Management

  • Advise on space availability and/or renovations/capital costs, as applicable.


  • Advise on the financial viability of the new programs and funding allocation through the Ministry, as applicable.

Institutional Research and Planning

  • Conduct environmental analysis to assess viability and sustainability over the anticipated delivery timeframe.


  • Ensure all approvals are in place before program information is placed on the Conestoga website and into future academic calendar documents and publicity materials.

Online Learning Centre

  • Work collaboratively with academic schools in the design of online courses and programs.

Experiential Learning/Work-integrated Learning (EL/WIL)

  • Support compliance with the Strategic Mandate Agreement and, where appropriate, the Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada) accreditation standards.
  • Maintains clear definitions of EL and WIL.
  • Ensure effective and efficient operation of WIL programs through the implementation of a WIL Quality Framework.
  • Maintain service and support for students participating in EL/WIL, where appropriate.
  • Develop and enhance relationships with employers and host organizations who provide WIL experiences; develop appropriate placements and co-op work terms that are approved by Conestoga and the partner(s) in advance of the placement/work term start date.
  • Develop, modify, operationalize and evaluate WIL in consultation with the academic schools and relevant stakeholders. This includes considering the number of students and location of program delivery.
  • Ensures that WIL experiences are relevant and valuable for participating students and meet program and course-level learning outcomes, in collaboration with the academic schools and relevant stakeholders.


  1. The Academic School submits a New Program Request Form to the Program Planning and Pathways division. That also includes the project lead or subject matter expert who will serve as the program liaison.
    1. Program Planning and Pathways validates applicable labour market and MCU codes and submits a request for Labour Market Report on behalf of the academic school. Where there is MCU code duplication with other Conestoga program(s), the Academic Chair of the existing program will be consulted to reduce duplication and optimize shared expertise. Results of the consultation are documented to complete the Request for Approval to Proceed (RFAP) information.
    2. A proposed program with a Labour Market Report that reflects a weak outcome will not proceed to the next phase of development unless the program has significant strategic value for the college and community.
      1. Where an Academic Chair requests a program with a weak outcome move forward, Program Planning and Pathways will facilitate a consultation with the Executive Dean and Vice President, Academic.
  2. Program Planning and Pathways submits initial space projections to the Space Planning Committee on behalf of the Academic Chair.
    1. Where the Space Planning Committee determines there is no physical space and/or that renovations/procurement costs are not viable, the program will not proceed to the next phase of development unless a new space/equipment plan is approved by the Space Planning Committee.
      1. Where an Academic Chair requests a program that has not met Space Planning requirements go forward, Program Planning and Pathways will support the amendment of delivery plans for Space Planning Committee review.
      2. Where an Academic Chair requests a program go forward without the recommendation of the Space Planning Committee, Program Planning and Pathways will facilitate a consultation with the Executive Dean and the Vice President, Facilities and Capital Development.
  3. Program Planning and Pathways assigns a Consultant to coordinate the development project in consultation with the Academic Chair, and in alignment with Conestoga's New Program Development Process Map (Appendix C).

  4. The Consultant facilitates the completion of the Request for Approval to Proceed (RFAP) documentation required for internal approvals.
    1. The Consultant facilitates a meeting between the Academic Chair and the Finance Department to complete a financial plan projection which includes the feedback provided by the Space Planning Committee.
    2. The Consultant works with the Academic Chair, any assigned subject matter expert, and other relevant stakeholders to meet Conestoga, Ministry, CVS, PEQAB, and/or accreditor expectations regarding program design, Essential Employability Skills, General Education/Breadth requirements, experiential learning/work-integrated learning requirements, and other design parameters and processes.
      1. Where a program is required to incorporate General Education/Breadth requirements, the School of Interdisciplinary Studies will be consulted.
      2. Where a program will include Experiential Learning/ Work-integrated Learning (EL/WIL) experiences, the leadership team of the relevant service departments will be consulted. These experiences will be in alignment with the EL/WIL Typology (Appendix D) and associated criteria and guidelines.
    3. The Consultant, in collaboration with the Academic Chair, ensures discussion has taken place with all relevant stakeholders in preparing the RFAP documentation, including consultation with accrediting or regulatory bodies to ensure requirements are addressed in the development of the program.
    4. The Academic School brings forward the proposed program concept for review and endorsement to the PAC (or PDAC) for new programs.
      1. PAC endorsement is typically received in advance of submission to PPRC but movement through internal approvals may be impacted where this endorsement has not been received prior to presentation to ACC.
      2. When appropriate, the Consultant ensures the RFAP and associated documents are updated to incorporate PAC/PDAC feedback.
    5. The Academic School presents the completed RFAP to the Program Planning and Review Committee (PPRC). The documents are reviewed by the PPRC and feedback is provided prior to further program development.
      1. The Consultant ensures that the RFAP and associated documents are updated to incorporate PPRC feedback.
  5. Upon addressing comments made by PPRC, the RFAP is presented to Academic Forum to discuss fit with overall Conestoga plans, identify synergies, validate workforce need and anticipated viability, and ensure sustainability.
    1. Academic Forum makes a recommendation for approval to ACC.
      1. The program may be sent back to the academic school for additional information or clarification and subsequently reviewed again.
      2. The Consultant ensures the RFAP and associated documents are updated, to incorporate Academic Forum feedback.
  6. Upon approval from Academic Forum, the RFAP is presented to ACC by the Academic School.
    1. ACC makes a recommendation for approval to ACASA.
      1. The program may be sent back to the academic school for additional information or clarification and subsequently reviewed again.
      2. The Consultant ensures the RFAP and associated documents are updated to incorporate ACC feedback, as appropriate. The Consultant ensures the ACASA summary is completed in consultation with the Academic School.
  7. Upon recommendation for approval from ACC, the ACASA Summary is presented to ACASA by the Academic School.
    1. ACASA makes a recommendation for approval to the Board of Governors.
      1. The program may be sent back to the academic school for additional information or clarification and subsequently reviewed again.
      2. The Consultant ensures the RFAP, ACASA Summary, and associated documents are updated to reflect ACASA feedback in consultation with the Academic School.
  8. Upon recommendation for approval from ACASA, the Chair of ACASA then presents the program to the Board of Governors for formal approval.
    1. The Board of Governors approves the program for delivery.
      1. The program may be sent back to the academic school for additional information or clarification and subsequently reviewed again.
  9. The Consultant manages the document submission process of the proposed program documentation to CVS (for all Ontario College credentials), PEQAB (for degrees), and Ministry through to the final funding approval.
    1. Where required, the Consultant will manage external quality assurance reviews required for new program delivery, including PEQAB or professional accreditation requirements in consultation with the Academic Chair.
  10. Program Planning and Pathways will input program design information into the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.

  11. Upon finalizing the program structure in the ERP, the Academic School will finalize the mapping of Program Learning Outcomes to program courses. This is an iterative process that might trigger revisions to course descriptions and adjustments for the Program Learning Outcomes where possible.

  12. Upon required external approval:
    1. The Office of Academic Administration will communicate program approval to academic support offices and the academic school.
    2. Program Planning and Pathways will make any changes to the program design that may have resulted from CVS and/or Ministry review into the ERP and set the program status as active.
    3. The Registrar's Office will enter the appropriate admission and program information in the ERP for admissions processing.
    4. Marketing will publish program information on marketing materials, including, but not limited to: Conestoga's corporate website, the academic calendar and publicity materials.
    5. Academic schools will continue liaising with accrediting/regulatory bodies upon notification of final approval to complete the program design details in accordance with requirements.
  13. As a quality assurance measure Program Planning and Pathways will:
    1. Maintain a database to monitor the status of program development, review, approval and communications with Ministry, CVS and external approval bodies.
    2. Maintain records of program approvals in accordance with the Retention Procedure.

Revision Log

2008-11-12Academic Coordinating Committee
2015-03-10Academic Forum
2015-03-17Policy and Procedure Committee
2015-03-18Academic Coordinating Committee
2019-03-04Academic Forum
2019-03-20Academic Coordinating Committee
2024-10-30Academic Forum
2024-11-06Academic Coordinating Committee
Program Development Procedure