Course Revision Procedure

Policy Owner: Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s): Director, Program Planning and Pathways

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Academic Coordinating Committee
Policy Owner:
Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s):
Director, Program Planning and Pathways
Defining policy:
Program Development Policy
Effective date:
Date of last approval:

Procedure Statement

The revision to existing Courses will be conducted with consideration for Conestoga's commitment to comprehensive quality programming, and the expectations related to academic pathways and external transferability. Course revision at Conestoga ensures the appropriate level of learning is reflected in the course outline structure, in alignment with the Ontario Qualifications Framework and in accordance with the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002 and/or the Postsecondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000 and associated directives, guidelines, and operating procedures. Learning outcomes, from program level (where applicable) through to the unit level, are weaved into the curriculum and support the delivery of courses.

Revisions to courses will typically occur as a result of an Annual Program Reflection or a Comprehensive Program Review but may be made due to additional institutional initiatives or requirements. Consideration of external accrediting bodies will be factored into the development or review of courses as required.

Each course has one course code regardless of delivery method or location.  This ensures the alignment between outcomes, content and assessment. 


Conestoga College maintains a glossary of terms specific to the institution. The terms in use for this document are defined below.

Academic Management Calendar
Conestoga’s calendar of critical dates used to manage the implementation of decisions related to new programs of study, development, delivery and change in programs of study. It also drives the communication of academic dates and activities for student enrolment (admission, billing, registration) and progression.
Academic Team
Includes the Deans, Chairs, Program Coordinators, and Faculty who are responsible for academic content and delivery.  
Academic Year
The period from September 1 to August 31.
  • Current Academic Year – refers to the start date of the academic year.
  • Upcoming Academic Year – refers to the academic year subsequent to the current academic year.
  • Following Academic Year – refers to the start date of the academic year occurring two years from the current academic year.
Annual Program Reflection (APR)
A review process that requires a team-based discussion and evaluation of the previous academic year. The APR facilitates continuous improvement in the program to support student and program success. Program teams are required to document their reflection in the online APR system and are encouraged to identify planning opportunities for program enhancement for the upcoming academic year.
Comprehensive Program Review
Comprehensive program reviews require program teams to undertake a strategic assessment in support of Ministry and/or accrediting bodies' program requirements. Most programs follow a 5 to 7 year review cycle unless external and/or internal circumstances identified through the annual reflections indicate the need for a revised review cycle. Conestoga’s comprehensive program reviews include the Major Program Review, degree renewals and program accreditations.
A distinct and discrete teaching and learning framework, containing content approved by an expert source, usually structured to be delivered over an identified period of time, with measurable learning outcomes and formal student evaluation.
Course Code
The unique numeric and/or alpha identifier assigned to each course offered at Conestoga.
Course Outline
An approved document outlining the course and unit learning outcomes, course title, course code, course description, credits, hours, prerequisites, co-requisites, resources, and evaluation methodology and associated grading allocation, for credit courses offered at Conestoga.
Credit Course
A distinct and discrete teaching and learning framework containing content that has been approved by an expert source and structured to be delivered over an identified period of time. Credit courses have measurable learning outcomes and formal student evaluation. Student evaluation in a graded credit course is weighted in the calculation of the grade point average.
A plan for learning that is coordinated and articulated in a manner designed to result in the achievement by students of specific knowledge and skills and the application of this knowledge. Curriculum refers to the content (the material to be learned), the actions and resources involved in teaching and learning and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives and is driven by learning outcomes.
Degree Breadth Course
A course that engages students enrolled in a degree in learning beyond their core field of study. The course will fall into one of the following five MCU mandated themes: humanities, social science, science, math, and global cultures.
Essential Employability Skills (EES)
Essential Employability Skills are non-vocational skills critical for success in the workplace, in day-to-day living, and for lifelong learning that students learn as part of the formal curriculum, and as stipulated by the Ministry. 
General Education Course
A course that engages students in learning beyond their vocational field of study. The course will fall into at least one of the following five MCU mandated themes: Arts in Society, Civic Life, Social and Cultural Understanding, Personal Understanding, and Science and Technology.
Major Course Change
Changes to a course that would impact program requirements, delivery method or transferability.
Major Program Review (MPR)
A process led by the Institutional Quality Management department which requires applicable non-degree program teams to strategically assess their program’s fit, viability and relevance, and identify opportunities for program update or renewal; while considering the Conestoga community’s needs and feedback on a 5-7 year cycle.
Ministry of College and Universities (MCU)
The Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) has the function of assessing all program proposals for determination of appropriate code classification, funding weights and parameters, and program titling.
Minor Course Change
Changes to a course which do not impact program requirements, delivery method or transferability.
Outline Lead
This role is responsible for developing a course outline or revising an existing course outline. The Outline Lead is determined by the Academic Chair annually.
Program/Program of Study
An academic program that leads to issuance of a post-secondary credential or certificate for a particular area of study. 


Academic Teams

  • Ensures the course review process is initiated through Comprehensive Program Reviews and/or the Annual Program Reflection, whenever possible.
  • Ensures all courses adhere to related policies and procedures on delivery, grading and evaluation.
  • Assigns an outline lead with appropriate subject matter expertise to review the outline/course.
  • Consults with Program Planning and Pathways to revise existing courses.
  • Aligns the implementation of changes with Conestoga's publication schedules and Academic Management Calendar, where possible.
  • Ensures course changes receive required internal and external approvals in accordance with the major course and minor course change processes before approving any revisions.
  • Ensures appropriate program learning outcomes and where applicable General Education themes, Essential Employability Skills, and/or Degree Breadth outcomes are considered in the review process and remain supported by the revised course.

School of Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Defines expectations for General Education and Degree Breadth.
  • Develops and implements a systematic review of general education and degree breadth courses.
  • Collaborates with other schools in the APR and Comprehensive Program Reviews of general education and degree breadth courses.
  • Manages the breadth restricted/non-restricted course list.
  • Ensures that Degree Breadth courses will be available to provide more than an introductory level of knowledge in a discipline outside the core field of study to meet PEQAB requirements.

Program Planning and Pathways

  • Works collaboratively with the Academic Team or designated department to ensure course curriculum aligns with pedagogical best practices, program learning outcomes through the course review process.
  • Works collaboratively with the Academic Team or designated department to ensure course curriculum meets external and internal body requirements, where applicable, through the course review process.
  • Reviews course outline submissions to ensure adherence to identified protocols and approves or returns to the academic school if necessary.
  • Creates a new course code or a new version of an existing course in alignment with the Assignment of Course Code work instructions.
  • Informs the Academic Team or designated department when a new course code has been assigned.
  • Maintains all documentation and monitors the progress of college course review processes through the tools embedded in college systems.


  1. Program Planning and Pathways communicates to Academic Schools and/or designated departments the timeframe for course outline reviews and the deadlines for approval, in accordance with the Academic Management Calendar.

  2. Academic Teams or designated departments assign the courses to outline leads for review.

  3. Outline leads will review all elements included in the course outline template, as displayed in college systems.
    1. Revisions must maintain alignment with program themes, program outcomes, and external requirements including, but not limited to, general education themes, degree breadth themes, or Essential Employability Skills.
  4. The course outline review is considered finalized when all the elements are complete.

  5. The Academic Team or designated department approves course changes submitted by the outline lead in the course outline portal.
    1. For major course changes, the Academic Team or designated department connects with Program Planning and Pathways to discuss implementation.
  6. Implementation of changes will occur in the following academic year to maintain course consistency between academic semesters within an academic year.

  7. Program Planning and Pathways maintains an inventory of course outlines to support inquiries regarding student achievement in accordance with the Retention Procedure.

  8. Academic schools update the Essential Elements, accessibility accommodations, and other delivery expectations, where necessary. These course revision processes are implemented via changes to the Instructional Plan, evaluations, and any other curriculum elements, as needed.

Revision Log

2015-03-10Academic Forum
2015-03-17Policy and Procedure Committee
2015-03-18Academic Coordinating Committee
2019-03-04Academic Forum
2019-03-20Academic Coordinating Committee
2019-12-18Academic Forum
2020-01-13Academic Coordinating Committee
2024-11-13Academic Forum
2024-11-20Academic Coordinating Committee
Course Revision Procedure