Convocation Procedure

Policy Owner: Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s): Executive Director, Registrarial Services

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Academic Coordinating Committee
Policy Owner:
Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s):
Executive Director, Registrarial Services
Defining policy:
Academic Advancement and Achievement Policy
Effective date:
Date of last approval:

Procedure Statement

Convocation celebrates students’ academic accomplishments. This procedure applies to all students included in convocation ceremonies at Conestoga, as noted in the Convocation Participation Chart.

Students actively registered in cohort delivered programs who take longer than the designed program length of time to complete their studies are accountable for completing any new or additional courses that may result due to changes in the program of study.

Students registered for courses in non‐cohort delivered programs must complete the program of study within the timeframe communicated via program information on the college website and/or in the Continuing Education catalogue.


Conestoga College maintains a glossary of terms specific to the institution. The terms in use for this document are defined below.

Academic Team
Includes the Deans, Chairs, Program Coordinators, and Faculty who are responsible for academic content and delivery.  
An intake of group of students to a specified program of study with a defined start and completion date.
Represents activity where the student decides when he/she wishes to start and which courses to enroll in. Conestoga non‐cohort activity is typically categorized as Continuing Education.


Academic Team

  • Establish, publish and communicate program standards to students at the beginning of the program, and inform active students of all changes made to the program of study after the semester of admittance.
  • Keep students informed of progress throughout the semester.
  • Determine the academic promotion decision.

Director, Registrarial Services

  • Ensure policy and procedures are in place, accessible and communicated.
  • Determine order of programs for convocation ceremonies.

Associate Registrar

  • Ensure adherence to policies, procedures, processes and timelines.
  • Develop convocation timeline and schedule.
  • Maintain the accuracy and confidentiality of all student records.

Student Records Officer

  • Enter achievement and academic decisions following established procedures and processes ensuring accuracy and confidentiality of student records.
  • Ensure information included in the convocation invitation and program is accurate.
  • Ensure documents/letters/awards are prepared.


  • Complete all program requirements for their program of study.
  • If program completion takes longer than the designed program length or the student wishes to graduate from a program they are not enrolled in, they must complete and submit an Application to Graduate Form to the Registrar's Office.
  • Register attendance for convocation where applicable.


Student in Cohort Programs:

  1. Students enrolled in the final semester of their program (potential graduate) are invited to attend convocation pending a final promotion decision as noted below:
    1. Students enrolled in their last semester in:
      1. The fall session are invited to the winter ceremony.
      2.  The winter session are invited to the spring ceremony.
      3.  The spring session are invited to the fall ceremony.
  2. Convocation information and invitations are posted on the college convocation website in:
    1. March for spring ceremonies
    2. September for fall ceremonies
    3. November for winter ceremonies
  3. Student Records Officer will:
    1. Ensure eligible students are included in the appropriate convocation ceremony.
    2. Prepare student achievement, award letter(s), program letter and credential for pick up/mailing or presentation. Credential will include:
      1. Student name as recorded in the college student information system;
      2. Name of the credential;
      3. Formal name of the student’s program as approved by Ministry of Colleges and Universities;
      4. Date (month/year) in which the student completed the program.
    3. Mail documents to:
      1. Apprenticeship students
      2.  Students who do not attend their convocation
  4. Academic teams will forward promotion decisions for graduation status (Program Complete) to the Student Records Officer by the deadline (two weeks of the end of the session/academic year) in order for the graduate’s names to be placed in the convocation program and to be considered for graduation awards and honours.
    1. Decisions received by the Student Records Officer after the deadline will not be considered for awards and honours and graduates may not appear in the convocation program.

Students in Non-cohort Programs:

Students enrolled in non‐cohort programs who wish to graduate must:

  1. Complete and submit the Application to Graduate Form for their program to the Registrar’s Office no later than the end of November for February ceremonies, end of March for June ceremonies or end of August for November ceremonies.
    Note: Applications received after the deadline will be invited to the next convocation.

  2. Student Records Officer generates and reviews the students’ Progress Report. If the Progress Report reflects:
    1. All courses in the program of study are completed, a Program Complete (Graduate) or Met Requirement decision is entered onto the student’s records.
      1. Student will be included in convocation ceremony if applicable (see Convocation Participation Chart).
    2. Missing or failed courses, the Progress Report is reviewed by the Academic Team.
      1. Academic Team reviews Progress Report and communicates the graduation decision to the Student Records Officer.
        1. Student Records Officer will include student in the convocation ceremony.
        2. If a request to graduate is denied, the student will be contacted.

Convocation Participation Chart

CredentialIncluded in Convocation Ceremonies
Ontario College Graduate CertificateYes
Ontario College Advanced DiplomaYes
Ontario College DiplomaYes
Ontario College CertificateYes
College CertificateNo
Certificate of AchievementNo
Recognition of LearningNo
Recognition of Professional DevelopmentNo

Revision Log

2009-12-08Degree Management Committee / Academic Forum
2011-03-30Policies and Procedures Committee
2011-04-13Academic Coordinating Committee
2019-09-11Academic Forum
2019-12-11Academic Forum
2020-01-13Academic Coordinating Committee
Convocation Procedure