Academic Appeal Procedure

Policy Owner: Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s): Executive Director, Registrarial Services

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Academic Coordinating Committee
Policy Owner:
Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s):
Executive Director, Registrarial Services
Defining policy:
Academic Appeals Policy
Effective date:
Date of last approval:

Procedure Statement

The College recognizes that disputes regarding academic decisions may occur between members of the College community that impact a student's academic record or may affect their academic standing and/or ability to progress in a program. Every attempt must be made to resolve issues or concerns informally at the program level prior to proceeding to a formal appeal. This procedure defines how students can appeal an academic decision.


Conestoga College maintains a glossary of terms specific to the institution. The terms in use for this document are defined below.

Academic Administrator
For the purposes of this policy, an Academic Administrator is an Executive Dean, Dean, or Chair.
Academic Decision
Any decision made that affects a student’s academic record and/or academic standing at the College (e.g., grading, academic integrity violations, advancement and achievement, etc.)
Academic Standing
A measure of a student's academic achievement relative to their program requirements that determines their eligibility to be admitted to and/or proceed in their academic program and to qualify for graduation.
Academic Team
Includes the Deans, Chairs, Program Coordinators, and Faculty who are responsible for academic content and delivery.  
Faculty are responsible for the teaching/learning process and the evaluation of student work.  
Final Grade
Final indicator of a student’s performance in a course, as submitted by the faculty member(s).
Reprisal as per Ontario Human Rights Commission
A reprisal is an action or threat that is intended as retaliation for claiming or enforcing a right. 


Academic Team

  • Participate in the process in accordance with the procedure.
  • Participate in the inquiry conducted by the Registrar's Office in accordance with the discontinuance appeal procedure.
  • Discharge their respective responsibilities fairly and according to established time frames.


  • Participate in the process in accordance with Step 2 of the course grade appeal procedure.
  • Discharge their respective responsibilities fairly and according to established time frames.

Executive Dean/Dean

  • Participate in the process in accordance with Step 3 of the course grade procedure.
  • Discharge their respective responsibilities fairly and according to established time frames.


  • Retain records relating to student achievement as outlined in the Document Retention policy.
  • Reply to and attempt to resolve student concerns regarding a dispute.
  • Participate in the inquiry conducted by the Chair or Executive Dean/Dean.
  • If required, participate in the hearing conducted by the Registrar's Office.

Registrar's Office

  • Make Appeal Request Form available to students.
  • Discharge their respective responsibilities fairly and according to established time frames.
  • Facilitate orientation for members of the appeal panel.
  • Ensure that the policy and procedures are published.
  • Act in an advisory role to Faculty members, Chairs and Executive Deans/Deans.


  • Retain and provide relevant work that has been returned to them.
  • Read and understand this procedure before submitting an appeal.  


  1. Appeal Categories (Scope): Students may dispute any academic decision that impacts progression or achievement.  These decisions include, but are not limited to:
    1. an academic promotion decision, including, but not limited to, discontinuance.
    2. a course grade, including any evaluation grade.
    3. a penalty applied under the Academic Integrity Policy, including a warning or offence.
  2. Reasons for Appeal (Criteria): Students may submit appeals for one the following reasons:
    1. Procedural Error: An alleged error made by the college that impacted the student achievement, promotion or academic standing. For the purposes of this procedure, these errors would fall into one of the following categories:
      1. College policy or academic school handbook standards have not been followed.
      2. Inconsistent application of the Academic Integrity Policy.
      3. A general error has occurred.
      4. The assessment of student's work is not consistent with stated assessment criteria.
    2. Significant Medical Event: A medical condition/incident that significantly impacted student success AND prevented the student from 
      1. withdrawing from their program or course by the deadline, or 
      2. from alerting professors and receiving support.
    1.  Appeal Steps: A student should begin the appeal process at Step 2 if their appeal is under
      1. the scope "academic promotion decision", or
      2. if the appeal criteria is "significant medical event".
  3. Documentation: Students are encouraged to provide any relevant documentation as evidence that may support their appeal.  This may include, but is not limited to, assessment rubrics, assignment submissions, and email communication with faculty or other college personnel. What, if any, medical documentation is submitted to support the appeal is at the discretion of the student.

  4. The Academic Team and the Registrar reserve the right to cancel appeal submissions at any step of the appeal process that are incomplete. When an appeal is cancelled, the process has ended, and the student may not proceed to other steps or re-appeal without new evidence. Incomplete submissions that may be cancelled include:
    1. Submissions that do not meet the scope and criteria to appeal.
    2. Submissions made after the timeline to submit the appeal has passed.
    3. Submissions where the student does not provide a compelling justification for their appeal to be considered at the next step.  
  5. If at any point during the appeal process, the student alleges that the basis for the appeal is harassment or discrimination, given the definition of prohibitive behaviours, the student will be advised that the matter should be pursued under the College's Student Rights and Responsibilities policy.

  6. The scope of the appeal process is academic only and does not include financial considerations.  A student may be eligible for a fee exception regardless of the outcome of the appeal, which may be pursued through a fee exceptions request.

  7. Protection from Reprisals: Conestoga prohibits reprisals or threats of reprisal against students who have raised matters of concern under this procedure. Individuals who violate these provisions shall be subject to discipline or other corrective action.

  8. Step 1 - Faculty
    A student who wishes to appeal a grade or academic decision must contact the appropriate faculty member to discuss their concerns, in writing, within five (5) business days of receipt of the grade or academic decision (i.e., the posting of the grade via the student portal or receipt of the evaluation grade/academic decision). If this discussion has already occurred as part of the Academic Integrity Procedure, the student can proceed to Step 2.
    1. Unless an issue of liability, safety and/or behavior that interferes with the teaching/learning of others has been identified by Student Rights and Responsibilities, the student may attend classes/labs/work experience and/or placements, pending the conclusion of the process.
    2. It is the student's responsibility to provide the faculty member with a well-documented statement in writing outlining the issues and the outcome they desire.
    3. The faculty member will respond in writing to the student within five (5) business days of receipt of the Step 1 Appeal.
    4. Upon consideration of the information provided by the student, the faculty member has the authority to determine a resolution in any of the following ways:
      1. decide that the grade, or academic integrity offence will remain unchanged.
      2. complete a re-evaluation of the student's work;
      3. provide an alternate assessment
  9. Step 2 – Chair. 
    An appeal will be reviewed by the Academic Chair in which the course is offered when: 
    1. the student receives no reply from their faculty member within five (5) business days, or
    2. the student wishes to pursue the matter after receiving a response from the faculty member.
  10. The student must complete the Academic Appeal Form within  five (5) business days of the deadline for faculty response or within five (5) business days of receipt of the faculty member's response. 
    1. The student must provide written justification for their appeal to be considered at the Step 2 level.
    2. The Academic Chair's decision must be communicated to the student in writing within (5) business days of receipt of the student's Step 2 request. 
  11. Upon consideration of the information provided by the student and the faculty member, the Academic Chair has the authority to determine a resolution in any of the following ways:
    1. decide that the grade, or academic integrity offence will remain unchanged.
    2. direct that a re-evaluation of the student's work be completed.
    3. provide an alternate assessment.
    4. direct that the grade be changed to an 'I' (Incomplete) and that the student be allowed to complete specific items of work.
    5. direct that the grade be changed to an 'W' (withdraw) and that the student be withdrawn from the specified course without academic penalty.
    6. direct that an academic integrity violation be removed from the students record and any impacted grades be reinstated.
  12. Step 3 – Executive Dean/Dean.
    An appeal will be reviewed by the Dean/Executive Dean in which the course is offered when:
    1. the student receives no reply from their Academic Chair within five (5) business days, or
    2. the student wishes to pursue the matter  further after receiving a response from the Academic Chair.
  13. The student may escalate their appeal through the Academic Appeal Form initiated in Step 2 within five (5) business days of the deadline for Academic Chair response or within five (5) business days of receipt of the Chair's response. 
    1. The student must provide written justification for their appeal to be considered at the Step 3 level.
    2. The Dean's decision must be communicated in writing to the student within five (5) business days of receipt of the student's Step 3 request.
  14. Upon consideration of the information provided by the student, Faculty member and Chair, the Executive/Dean has the authority to determine a resolution in any of the following ways:
    1. decide that the grade, or academic integrity offence will remain unchanged.
    2. direct that a re-evaluation of the student's work be completed.
    3. direct that the grade be changed to an 'I' (Incomplete) and that the student be allowed to complete specific items of work.
    4. provide an alternate assessment.
    5. direct that the grade be changed to an 'W' (withdraw) and that the student be withdrawn from the specified course without academic penalty.
    6. direct that an academic integrity violation be removed from the students record and any impacted grades be reinstated.
  15. Step 4 – College Level Appeal
    The student may request a formal college level appeal if they have completed Steps 1-3 (where required). The student must provide written justification for their case to be considered at the college level.
    1. College Error Appeals:
      1. The Registrar's Office reviews the request and, within ten (10) business days of receipt of the student's request and informs the student in writing whether or not the College intends to proceed with an appeal hearing. If the request does not meet the scope and criteria to appeal, and/or the student does not provide a satisfactory justification for their case to be considered at the college level, the appeal will be cancelled, and no further action will be taken by the Registrar's Office. This decision is final and binding.
      2. Within fifteen (15) business days of notifying the student of the intent to proceed the Registrar's Office convenes an appeal hearing. The appeal is heard by a panel, chaired by the Registrar's Office as a non-voting participant, and composed of three persons outside of the student's program, who have not been involved previously with the matter in question.  The panel as chosen by the Registrar's Office will be made up of the following members:
        1. a member of the academic team;
        2. a faculty member or counsellor;
        3. a student.
      3. Submissions for the appeal hearing are to be provided by the Registrar's Office to all parties at least one (1) business day prior to the meeting. If the student desires an external adviser to attend the appeal hearing, the Registrar's Office must be notified at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting.
      4. At the appeal hearing both the student and a representative of the program may present oral arguments in support of their respective positions. The panel can question each party but they are not permitted to question each other. After the presentation of arguments and question period, the panel meets privately to consider the facts and to render a decision.  The decision includes a written explanation of the reasons for the decision.
      5. The panel may also make recommendations regarding changes to the academic policies and procedures of Conestoga, the academic school, the program, or a College service area.
      6. Within five (5) business days of the hearing, the Registrar's Office communicates the decision in writing to the student, Executive Dean/Dean and/or Chair.  This decision is final and binding.
      7. All documents used by the panel are delivered to be returned to the Registrar's Office.
      8. The appeal panel has the authority to determine a resolution in any of the following ways:
        1. decide that the grade, academic integrity office or academic decision will remain unchanged.
        2. direct that a re-evaluation of the student's work be completed.
        3. direct that the grade be changed to an 'I' (Incomplete) and that the student be allowed to complete specific items of work.
        4. Direct the program to provide an alternate assessment.
        5. direct that the grade be changed to an 'W' (withdraw) and that the student be withdrawn from the specified course without academic penalty.
        6. direct that an academic integrity violation be removed from the students record and any impacted grades be reinstated.
      9. An appeal panel does not have the authority to make a recommendation that involves any type of financial consideration. 
    2. Significant Medical Event Appeals
      1. The College recognizes that at times, a student's academic standing, progression, or achievement may be impacted by a Significant Medical Event. This is a documented medical condition and / or incident that significantly impacted student success AND prevented the student from withdrawing from their program or course by the deadline, or from alerting professors and receiving help. 
      2. Appeals submitted under this category will be reviewed by the Medical Appeals Committee (MAC) chaired by the Registrar's Office and comprised of a representative from Counselling Services, a representative from Accessibility Services, and a representative from Student Success.  A decision will be communicated to the student by the Registrar within 10 business days.  This decision is final and binding.
      3. All documentation to be considered as part of a Significant Medical Even Appeal must be submitted by the student with the appeal request. Additional documentation may be requested by the Medical Appeal Committee. Medical documentation must include:
        1. A letter outlining the student's functional limitations as they reasonably relate to the following specifications:
        2. The medical situation prevented the student from withdrawing from their program or course by the deadline.
        3. The medical situation prevented the student from alerting their professors and receiving help.
        4. The documentation provided establishes that the medical situation significantly impacted student success. 
          1. Current medical documentation supporting the request that is signed, dated and legible.
          2. Medical documentation is provided by an appropriate medical professional.
      4. The registrar/designate and the Medical Appeal Committee (MAC) have the authority to determine a resolution in any of the following ways:
        1. decide that the grade or academic decision will remain unchanged.
        2. direct that the student is withdrawn from the impacted term or course without academic penalty and that their grade(s) be changed to an 'W' (withdraw). 

Revision Log

2007-07-17Academic Forum
2007-12-12Academic Coordinating Committee
2012-11-23Policies and Procedures Committee
2013-04-26Policies and Procedures Committee
2013-05-21Academic Coordinating Committee
2020-01-29Academic Forum
2020-02-07Academic Coordinating Committee
2024-12-11Academic Forum
2024-12-18Academic Coordinating Committee
Academic Appeal Procedure