Academic Appeal Appendix A: Academic Appeal Criteria and Resolutions Table

Policy Owner: Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s): Executive Director, Registrarial Services

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Academic Coordinating Committee
Policy Owner:
Vice-President, Academic
Policy Lead(s):
Executive Director, Registrarial Services
Defining policy:
Academic Appeal Policy
Effective date:


CriteriaExampleOut of ScopeDocumentation Required
Procedural Error:
An alleged error made by the college that impacted the student achievement, promotion or academic standing. For the purposes of this procedure, these errors would fall into one of the following categories:
  • College policy or academic school handbook standards have not been followed
  • Inconsistent application of the Academic Integrity Policy
  • A procedural error has occurred
  • The assessment of student’s work is not consistent with stated assessment criteria

  • An academic promotion decision is applied in a manner inconsistent with information provided in course documentation such as program handbooks, course information sheets or course syllabi.
  • An error in calculating the student’s grade.
  • Grade doesn’t accurately reflect stated assessment criteria.
  • An academic integrity penalty was misapplied.
  • Student did not withdraw or drop courses before the academic withdrawal deadline.
  • Student did not review the academic school handbook or course syllabi and were not aware of academic expectations.
  • The instructor is a hard marker.
  • The assignment/test was too difficult.
  • Any financial considerations.
  • Unable to attend class due to work schedule or commute.
  • There is evidence an academic integrity violation occurred, but the student wants another chance.
Students are encouraged to provide any relevant documentation as evidence that may support their appeal. This may include, but is not limited to, assessment rubrics, assignment submissions, and email communication with faculty or other college personnel.
Significant Medical Event:
A documented medical condition/incident significantly impacted student success AND prevented the student from withdrawing from their program or course by the deadline, or from alerting professors and receiving help.
  • Hospitalization, infectious disease, other medical condition or treatment that prevents the student from participating in the informal processes (i.e., withdrawing from the program, notifying the academic area, etc.)
  • Medical conditions/incidents that do not impact the student's ability to have participated in the informal review process
  • Friends or family members' medical conditions/incidents
Students are encouraged to provide any relevant documentation as evidence that may support their appeal. This may include, but is not limited to, assessment rubrics, assignment submissions, and email communication with faculty or other college personnel. What, if any, medical documentation is submitted to support the appeal is at the discretion of the student.

Revision Log

​2024-12-11​Academic Forum
​2024-12-18​Academic Coordinating Committee

Academic Appeal Appendix A: Academic Appeal Criteria and Resolutions Table