Hospitality & Culinary Arts Uniform Standards Guide
2024/25 | Conestoga College
Hospitality & Culinary Arts
Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Uniform Standards
We as a department have uniforms to encourage
professionalism, academic performance, and safety. It is a practice to show
unity and pride in students and their academic success.
All students are expected to wear appropriate business attire when on a field trip or if there is a guest speaker in a class. Students will be unable to attend a field trip if they arrive dressed in unsuitable attire (jeans, ball cap, etc.). It is recommended that students wear their Restaurant Operations uniform if they do not have a suitable outfit for these occasions.
Baking and Pastry Arts Programs
Baking and Pastry Students Uniform Requirements in lab:
- Clean Conestoga College logo chef jacket (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean blue apron (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean chef pants (houndstooth design - purchased through the bookstore).
- White chef's hat (purchased through the bookstore).
- Black non-slip, closed heel and toe safety shoes and a two-side towel.
- Appearance: Students must be well groomed, neat, and clean. All students must have hair tied up in their hats.
- Piercings: Jewelry cannot be worn in the culinary kitchen labs.
- Conestoga College logo chef jacket, toolkit, pants, blue apron, white hat are purchased through the bookstore and are included in students tuition (CSA shoes and cotton side towels are not included in tuition fees and must be purchased externally).
*Should students appear in class out of uniform, they will be asked to leave the lab, receiving a mark of zero for that day.
Culinary Programs
Culinary students are required to dress professionally in uniforms for service in both restaurant and kitchen classes.
Restaurant Operations 1 & 2 – Restaurant Uniform Requirements*:
- Clean and pressed (ironed) white Oxford Conestoga College logo dress shirt (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean and pressed Conestoga College logo black apron (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean and pressed black dress pants – wool/poly blend (no skirts, denim or tights permitted).
- Polished black leather safety shoes (heels no taller than 1.5").
- Black dress socks (above ankle height).
- A business neck-tie that is one solid colour, no stripes or polka dots.
- Appearance: Students must be well groomed, neat and clean. All students must have hair tied-up (off their shoulders).
- Piercings: only one earing in each ear is permitted (no other piercings).
Culinary Techniques 1 & 2 – Kitchen Uniform Requirements*:
- Clean Conestoga College logo chef jacket (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean blue apron (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean chef pants (houndstooth design - purchased through the bookstore).
- Blue neck-tie (neckerchief - purchased through the bookstore).
- Toque - chef's hat (purchased through the bookstore).
- Black non-slip, closed heel, and steel toe safety shoes.
- Appearance: Students must be well groomed, neat and clean. All students must have hair tied-up (off their shoulders).
- Piercings: absolutely no piercings or jewelry permitted in the labs.
- Two side towels.
- All uniforms and toolkits are purchased through the bookstore and are included in students tuition.
*Should students appear in class out of uniform, lab mark deductions will occur and/or students may be asked to leave the lab with a lab mark of zero.
Event Management
When hosting events or representing Conestoga college, Event Management
students must be in business attire.
Food and Beverage Programs
Hospitality students are required to dress professionally in uniforms for service in both restaurant and kitchen classes. Refer to the course outline and the bookstore for required textbooks.
Year 1 Uniforms
Restaurant Operations 1 & 2 – restaurant uniform requirements*:
- Clean and pressed (ironed) white dress shirt with Conestoga College logo on back (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean and pressed Conestoga College solid black apron with logo on pocket (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean and pressed black dress pants – wool/poly blend (no skirts, denim or tights permitted).
- Polished black-leather safety dress shoes (heels no taller than 1.5").
- Black dress socks (above ankle height).
- A Conestoga business necktie.
- Appearance: Students must be well groomed, neat, and clean. All students must have hair tied up (off their shoulders).
- Piercings: only one earing in each ear is permitted (no other piercings).
Culinary Techniques – Kitchen uniform requirements*:
- Clean Conestoga College logo chef jacket (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean blue apron (purchased through the bookstore).
- Clean chef pants (houndstooth design - purchased through the bookstore).
- Blue necktie (neckerchief - purchased through the bookstore).
- White chef's hat (purchased through the bookstore).
- Black non-slip, closed heel and toe safety shoes and a two-side towel.
- Appearance: Students must be well groomed, neat, and clean. All students must have hair tied up (off their shoulders).
- Piercings: Jewelry cannot be worn in the culinary kitchen labs.
*Should students appear in class out of uniform, lab mark deductions will occur and/or students may be asked to leave the lab with a lab mark of zero.
Any required materials for a course are listed on the course outline. Failure to obtain required materials may result in unsuccessful grades in the course. It is strongly recommended that students purchase their supplies, textbooks, etc., which are above and beyond the cost of their tuition, to increase their success within their program.
Food Processing and Manufacturing Programs
Non-slip, CSA approved (green triangle patch) safety shoes or boots must always be worn in Pilot plant and maintenance shop labs; access to labs will be denied in the absence of safety shoes. Lab coats are also required by each student attending Pilot lab sessions. Lab coats should be white, long sleeve, full length with no pockets above the waist, and no buttons (only metal detectable snaps). Students are required to obtain these supplies prior to attending lab.
Physical Protection / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Professional Cheese Making
Professional Cheese Making Students Uniform Requirements in lab:
- Clean and pressed (ironed) white shirt and pant set (purchased through the bookstore).
- Black non-slip, closed heel and toe safety shoes to be worn in the culinary skills lab
- Brand new rubber boots to be worn in the commercial dairy (these cannot be already worn/used to avoid tracking contaminants into the dairy.
- Appearance: Students must be well groomed, neat and clean. All students must have hair tied up (off their shoulders).
- Piercings: only one earing in each ear is permitted (no other piercings).