Employee Handbook
New Support Staff
Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Welcome from the President
President – Dr. John Tibbits

Congratulations and welcome to Conestoga, where we connect life and learning. You are joining a dynamic team of more than 1,000 full-time faculty and staff committed to meeting the needs of students, industry and our community.
Conestoga is a leader in polytechnic education and one of Ontario's fastest growing colleges, with campuses and training centres in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Ingersoll, Brantford and Stratford. Our full-time enrolment of approximately 12,000 students represents an increase of more than 50 per cent since 2007. The college is among Ontario's top providers of apprenticeship training, and our continuing education courses attract more than 30,000 enrolments each year.
Conestoga's career-focused education programs – from apprenticeships to diplomas, degrees to post-graduate certificates, continuing education and part-time studies – all reflect Ontario's changing job market and are designed to help our students build the skills and knowledge they need for career and life success.
Here at Conestoga, we are committed to:
providing innovative, career-focused education and training programs through the creative use of advanced teaching methods, technological support, services and research
supporting local businesses and the community in their efforts to innovate, improve their products and processes, and become more competitive through applied research initiatives that provide solutions to real-world challenges.
Over the past several years, Conestoga has engaged in the largest expansion in our history, completing a number of major infrastructure projects that provide our students with some of Canada's most innovative and advanced applied learning environments.
Conestoga is now well-positioned to become a provincial leader in college-based degree programming and a pre-eminent centre for education in engineering, trades, business, media and design, health care and community services. In accordance with our Strategic Plan, we are focused on building capacity across a comprehensive range of programming and applied research initiatives to better meet the needs of our students and the regions we serve.
Thank you for joining our college community. Please contact your Chair, a colleague, or a representative from Human Resources if you have any questions or require assistance as you become familiar with Conestoga and your new role. We hope you will find your experience here both positive and rewarding.
Frequently Asked Questions
First Day
How do I get an employee ID number?
All employees receive a client ID number once they have provided HR with written and/or verbal acceptance of their offer letter. Since the ID system is the same for staff and students, we use the term client ID. By having a client ID number (e.g. 1111111) you can access key employee services such as a parking pass or office key.
If you are unsure whether you have a client ID number, contact your department's Administrative Assistant or Paula Sears in HR at psears@conestogac.on.ca
How do I get an employee ONE Card?
All full time College employees require a ONE Card photo identification card. This will be the only accepted identification to gain access to some college services and areas. ONE Cards are distributed via the ONE Card office in Doon 2E08 or at the Administration Office in Waterloo, Cambridge, and Guelph.
Employees can upload a photo via the ONE Card photo upload application on the employee portal or have their picture taken in the ONE Card office. Cards are distributed by the ONE Card Office.
How do I arrange for parking?
Conestoga College has a paid parking policy in place. You must display your valid parking permit on your car windshield if you park at the Doon (Kitchener), Guelph, Waterloo, and Cambridge campus lots between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A semester-long (annual) parking permit is available for purchase from the Parking Services Office. Monthly payroll deduction is a payment option for annual permits only. Part-time faculty need approval of the Chair for payroll deduction. The 3 main permits we have are Annuals (Sept-Aug), 1 semester (4 month intervals Sept-Dec, Jan-April, May-June), or 2 semester (8 month intervals Sept-April, Jan-August). All parking permits can be purchased online.
Daily parking is available in all lots except lot #7. You can pay for daily or hourly parking from a pay and display dispenser or by Honk mobile on your phone at Doon (Kitchener). Waterloo, Guelph and Cambridge. If you do not have your permit one day or are forced to park in an alternative lot, report to security and give them your license number immediately. Security cannot cancel tickets after they are issued, they would need to be appealed through the on-line appeal process.
How do I get facility keys?
A key request form (login required) is required for a key. It must be approved by your Chair or Manager. Please include the specific key required or the specific room(s) that you require entrance to.
When completed, bring the form to the Facilities Management office in Room 2E21 at the Doon Campus or the Administration Offices at Guelph or Waterloo campuses for the assignment of keys. Keys will be issued upon availability. The office hours at the Doon campus are: Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Who do I contact if I want to go on a campus tour?
To book a tour of the Doon (Kitchener), Waterloo, Guelph or Cambridge campuses, contact Kim Crackel, Event and Tour Coordinator x 2383 or via email at
I am new to the area. Where can I find a hospital or walk-in clinic?
Region of Waterloo Public Health
Guelph Emergency Services
Stratford Emergency Services
I am new to the area. Where can I find out more about what’s happening in the community?
To take advantage of working at Conestoga College and living in the community, click on the following links:
As well, HR has information packages for employees new to the region or province. These packages include information about local attractions, community programs, cultural events and realtor services.
Where is everything located at Conestoga?
Conestoga has campuses at Doon (Kitchener), Cambridge, Guelph, Waterloo, Brantford, Cambridge Downtown, Ingersoll Skills Training Centre and Stratford. Maps for each facility can be viewed at: College Maps
At the Doon Main Building (DMB), rooms are identified first by their level, then their wing, and then the room. For example, 2E33 would be on the 2nd floor, in the E Wing, room 33.
Where can I eat?
There are a number of options available to employees for lunch or break, such as: staff lounges with fridges and microwaves, as well as, on-campus and neighbourhood eating services. Check with your colleagues about some of the options for coffee, snacks or meals.
Is there a dress code at Conestoga?
The College does not have an official dress code. Since most employees have regular contact with students, staff and other members of our community there is the expectation that staff will use good judgment in selecting work attire. If you are unsure, check with your manager.
Conestoga Essentials
Organizational Structure
Where can I find an organizational chart?
HR maintains an organization chart of administrative employees and departments on
myConestoga>Human Resources> Organizational. If the most current organizational chart is not posted on the portal, contact HR to see if they have a more up-to-date version.
Where can I find a copy of the College’s strategic plan?
The College Strategic Plan is posted on our website.
College Policies
Where can I find college policies and procedures?
Policies and procedures that are academic or general in nature may be found on the College Policies and Procedures page on the website.
Does Conestoga have a policy about work that employees do outside the College?
The College’s Conflict of Interest / Use of College Resources Policy and Procedure clarifies what is and is not allowed in regards to employee work.
Full time employees intending to participate in paid activities outside the College, must complete the Application for Approval of Activities External to The College form for initial approval. A copy of the form can be found on the myConestoga>Services>Human Resources> Policies/Procedures/Practices
In general, a College employee shall not engage in any private work or business undertaking:
- that is likely to result in a real or potential conflict of interest;
- that interferes with the individual’s ability to perform his or her duties and responsibilities;
- in which an advantage is derived from his or her employment as a College employee;
- in a professional capacity that will, or is likely to, influence or affect the carrying out of his or her duties as a College employee;
- that involves the use of College premises, equipment or supplies.
Pay and Benefits
How often are staff paid?
Support staff employees are paid bi-weekly on Fridays. For full-time employees there is no lag in their pay cycle. For example, if a full-time support staff employee is paid today, they will be paid for the work they’ve have done up to and including today.
How do I contact Payroll?
If you have payroll questions, contact the Payroll Supervisor, Wendy Charlesworth at wcharles@conestogac.on.ca
How do employees sign up for pension and benefits?
All full-time employees are eligible to participate in our benefits and pension programs. A member of our Human Resources team contacts employees in their first month at the College to schedule a benefits information session.
How do I sign up for direct deposit pay?
All employees are paid by direct deposit. You will be asked to bring banking information and to complete a direct deposit form on or prior to your start date with the College.
When does benefits coverage begin?
Coverage varies depending on the benefit. As part of the employee benefits orientation, HR reviews benefits coverage.
What is the contact number for the College Employee Assistance Program (EFAP)?
Homewood Health is our EFAP provider. Confidential, short-term counselling services are provided to employees and their eligible family members who may be experiencing personal or work-related problems.
There is no cost to you or your family members to use the EFAP program. You can call toll free 1-800-663-1142 to request confidential counselling. This line is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also access their website at Homewood Health to find useful resources.
Is there a reduced tuition rate if I register for a course at Conestoga?
As an employee in the bargaining unit, you may take Ministry funded programs or courses which the College currently offers at a reduced tuition fee (e.g. approximately $ 20 per course plus applicable course fees). Courses are taken on the employee’s own time (see Article 9.4). For more information about the reduced tuition process go to myConestoga>Human Resources>Forms>Reduced Tuition Registration Form.
What are the rules surrounding reduced tuition for members of my family?
The College will subsidize the spouse/partner and dependent children of permanent full time employees enrolled as full time students in Conestoga College full time post-secondary and post diploma programs funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
The College will pay a maximum of $500 per year of a program towards the cost of tuition. For more information about the Family Tuition Subsidy, go to the HR site on myConestoga.
Does the College have a December break?
Each year between December 25 and January 1 the College is closed. Eligible employees will be paid for this break period.
How can employees donate to the College?
The Development website identifies the many different ways that alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of Conestoga can give to the College.
What is the College’s pension plan? Where can I get some more information about it?
The Ontario College pension plan is known as CAAT. The CAAT Pension Plan website is CAAT Pension Plan and contains valuable information, bulletins and forms.
If you have any questions or wish to make changes to your status or beneficiary, please contact Melissa Folkard, Manager, Recruitment and Benefits, x3335 (mfolkard@conestogac.on.ca).
Office and Campus Logistics
How do I find my way around the campuses?
Campus Site Maps are available for most campuses. At the Doon Main Building (DMB), rooms are identified first by their level, then their wing, and then the room. For example, 2E33 would be on the 2nd floor in the E Wing.
I have visitors on campus. What are the parking options for them?
If College visitors park at the Doon (Kitchener), Cambridge, Waterloo or Guelph campuses between 6:00 am and 4:00 pm on a weekday their parking must be paid.
One option is for your department to purchase a visitor parking permit online through Honk Mobile. In order not to be ticketed, visitors must clearly display their permit and park in the lots identified on the permit.
If visitors are on campus for only a short period of time, such as for an employment interview, they can park in any lot with the exception of Lot 7 and pay at one of our Pay & Display machines.
Where is the lost and found?
All lost and found items are taken to and can be retrieved from the Security Offices at all campuses. Security will only hold lost and found items, as well as, locker contents for 30 days. Security advises everyone to label their belongings, as Security will e-mail or phone the owner when items are brought to Security.
For USB’s it is recommend that a folder is created titled i.e.; Attention Security, and in the folder the owners name, phone number and email should be included. This will assist Security to return the USB back to the owner in a timely manner.
Are minors allowed on campus?
Unaccompanied minors who are not College employees, students or Recreation Centre members are prohibited on premises owned, rented, or leased by the College. This prohibition is for reasons of safety, liability and property protection as well as to prevent disruption of college activities and minimize disturbance to others who use College premises.
Accompanied minors may be permitted in certain areas of the College. The person accompanying the minor(s) must be a parent (or legal guardian), college employee or student, or an approved Recreation Centre facility user, who is 18 years of age or older, and who assumes full responsibility for, and is in control of, the minor(s) at all times.
myConestoga and The College Intranet
What is myConestoga?
myConestoga is a service being developed in phases that will provide a single point of access to information, services and tools that are important to our students and employees. Once completed our constituents will only need to remember a single URL myConestoga. Phase 1 of the implementation provides single sign-on (SSO) access to email, shared drives, HR and student portals, directory and other important services. Single sign-on is the concept that once you log into the portal, you will not need to provide credentials to access other systems. During this initial phase, we also completed the migration of the intranet (a repository of documents) that had been available through the college website to the myConestoga portal.
What is the Conestoga Employee Portal?
The Conestoga Employee Portal contains secure links for faculty and is the portal through which you submit grades, get your class lists, submit your attendance, etc. Log in using your name and password:
Is there a College PowerPoint template?
The College PowerPoint slides are available on the college intranet within myConestoga>Employee Documents>Templates>PowerPoint Template.
How do I get a College logo to use on my slides?
The official logo can be found on myConestoga under My Communities>Communications.
Communicating & Telephone Set-Up
What are the communication methods at the college?
Faculty communicate with students, fellow faculty, college staff, and community members using a number of mediums. These include phone, email, office hours, and the shared calendar. eConestoga is a course specific tool for faculty/student communication.
How do I find out how to use the phone? How do I check my voicemail from home?
Instructions for phone use and voicemail use can be found on the IT website.
I am trying to call someone on campus. How do I find their extension?
Connect to the Conestoga College Homepage and click on the Directory link at the top of the page under the Search box in the header.
Enter either the person’s first or last name to find their extension, email address, etc. (Note that some part-time teachers may not have an extension listed at the start of the semester.)
How do I check my email from home?
Connect to the Conestoga College Homepage and click on the Email link at the top of the page under Login in the header.
I haven’t used this email system before. Who do I contact if I have questions about it?
Should you require assistance, contact the IT Service Desk at ITSDesk@conestogac.on.ca or 519-748-5220 x3444.
When should I blind carbon copy (BCC) emails?
The BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field is typically used when you would like to copy someone in on an email thread without revealing that individual’s email address to the other email recipients. This could be useful for sending mass emails to a group of students as it:
- Does not list the emails of all classmates included in the message, they will only see addresses included in the CC or TO sections.
- If a student hits “Reply-All” it will NOT be delivered to every student in the class, only those listed in the CC or TO sections.
For more information about using BCC in Outlook, go to: Adding BCC to Outlook
Computer Technology & Email
I’m having a computer problem. How can I get help?
Should you require assistance, contact the IT Service Desk at ITSDesk@conestogac.on.ca or 519-748-5220 x3444. Service desk employees can provide assistance to staff, faculty and students at all campuses on:
Email support
Hardware, Software and Printer support for computer labs and college owned desktops and laptops
College Telephone Systems support
Additional details and information can be located at it.conestogac.on.ca
I haven’t used Outlook before. Who do I contact if I have questions about it?
Conestoga students, faculty and staff have access to Lynda.com - a self-guided online learning service containing 2,000 high-quality video-based courses created by professional instructors. Topics include education, technology, design and business skills.
Access to Lynda.com is available via the Library's website at http://exploreguides.conestogac.on.ca/az.php. Use your Conestoga email address and Network ID password to log in.
For more information or questions about Lynda.com, please visit or contact the Library.
Is the login the same at all campuses?
Yes, it is.
What is the “G” drive?
This is your personal storage space at the college. Do not save files on your desktop or “C” drive. Files on the “C” drive could be accessed by others or wiped clean during a computer update.
Can I access my storage drive from off-campus?
Yes, you can! If you have more questions about these drives, please view http://it.conestogac.on.ca/support/storage-drive
Customer Service Expectations - Email
How often are employees expected to check their email?
Clients/colleagues send e-mails because they wish to receive a quick response. For that reason, e-mail should be checked daily and responded to within two business days or less.
I haven’t used Outlook before. Who do I contact if I have questions about it?
Conestoga students, faculty and staff have access to Lynda.com - a self-guided online learning service containing 2,000 high-quality video-based courses created by professional instructors. Topics include education, technology, design and business skills.
Access to Lynda.com is available via the Library's website at http://exploreguides.conestogac.on.ca/az.php. Use your Conestoga email address and Network ID password to log in. For more information or questions about Lynda.com, please visit or contact the Library.
What message should employees leave if they are away from the College?
If you are away from the office for more than a day, you must activate the “Out of Office” feature to advise senders you are unavailable. If the reason for their communication is urgent, they will know immediately that they must contact an alternate or call the department for assistance.
For example: I will be away from the office from Monday, March 15, to Friday, March 19, and will respond to your message, when I return on Monday, March 22. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Fred Gables at 519 748 5220, ext. 5419 or fgables@conestogac.on.ca.
What is the standard for email signatures?
Your signature block should include your name, position, department, and telephone number. In some cases, a fax number may be included. Using the signature block on all outgoing e-mail provides e-mail recipients with the information required to contact you easily:
Full name
Title & Department
Conestoga College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning
299 Doon Valley Drive (or alternate campus)
Kitchener, ON N2G 4M4
519 748 5220 ext.
Email address
If a student emails me from a personal account, how should I respond?
All email communication to current students should be directed to their Conestoga College email address. All employees must use only their Conestoga College email address for college business.
Can employees use college email to communicate with friends and family?
The email system should be used only for official college business. Occasional incidental personal use is permitted provided it is within expected codes of conduct.
Messages sent or received using the Conestoga College email system are the property of the college and can be accessed by authorized personnel in the event of an appeal or investigation.
Is there a policy?
The College has a policy and guidelines for email, voicemail and corporate calendar usage that can be found here on the website.
Customer Service Expectations - Voicemail
How do I access my voicemail?
To initialize your voicemail or request a new voicemail box, contact the IT Services Desk at x 3444, or email itsdesk@conestogac.on.ca. For more information about using your voicemail, there is a Mitel voicemail user guide on the Conestoga College IT website.
How often are employees expected to check their voicemail?
Employees must check their voice mail box each working day. If an employee plans to be absent, she/he must change their voicemail message so callers know when to expect a return call. The employee updates their message immediately upon returning to work. Employees must respond to voice mail messages within two business days.
What should be included in a voicemail message?
Voice mail messages should indicate the employee’s name and role at the college and invite the caller leave their name, number and a message.
What is an example of a voicemail script?
Hello, you have reached Mary Smith, Professor of Accounting in the School of Business at Conestoga College. It’s Wednesday, January 21, and I’ll be out of the office all day today without access to voicemail. I will be returning to the College tomorrow. Please leave me a detailed message including your contact information and I will get back to you when I return. If you require immediate assistance, please call extension xxxx and speak with our department receptionist.
Customer Service Expectations - Corporate Calendar
Do employees have to post their meetings and appointments in the corporate calendar?
Yes, employees must use their corporate calendar to share their availability.
What are the College standards in regards to corporate calendar?
Employees are expected to keep their on-line calendar up to date with all work commitments including classes, office hours, meetings, and vacation days. Proxy access to an employee’s calendar should be provided to colleagues in the same department and employees in other areas of the College as appropriate.
Illness and Inclement Weather
What is the expectation for employees who are sick and unable to come into work?
The expectation is that employees will notify their supervisor as soon as they can that they will not be coming into work. Each area may have a slightly different process so check with your administrative assistant or supervisor to find out what the standard practice has been in your department.
What is the College’s policy in regard to inclement weather?
The decision regarding college closure will be made between the time of 5:15 a.m. and 5:45 a.m. The announcement is placed on the website home page and on the college telephone system. Announcements will also be made on local radio stations.
The college’s inclement weather policy is myConestoga>HR>Policies Procedures Practices. It addresses a number of questions that may arise for administrators as a result of inclement weather, such as:
- expectations for employees using vacation days during campus closure days
- alternatives for employees who feel that they cannot come to work due to weather or road conditions on days that the college does not close.
Professional Development
Is there a program to assist employees who want to participate in workshops or conferences?
Professional Development Funds are provided for off-site training for full-time employees who require it, given the approval of the supervisor and the Director, Organizational Development (OD) and the availability of funds. For more information about PD Funds click here.
Is there a program to assist staff completing a post-secondary degree or diploma?
Tuition Assistance Funds are provided for full-time employees seeking to complete their degrees or special diploma programs.
Are there mandatory training programs that all new employees need to complete?
All employees must complete AODA Customer Service and the IASR and the Ontario Human Rights Code training.
Employees need to complete the training modules only once.
Are there organizational orientations for new staff?
Organizational Development hosts workshops in August, January and May for new faculty. New full-time support staff are provided with an orientation to the College during their onboarding with HR. Typically the orientation of new administrative managers is accomplished through a series of meetings with other administrators at the college.
Security & Occupational Health & Safety
Do I need to wear protective clothing?
Applicable PPE must be worn in all shops. All employees must review the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) procedure and sign an acknowledgement form which is kept by the area manager for reference.
For information, review the Personal Protective Equipment Policy
What do I do in an emergency?
All campuses Security can be reached at; x5555. Remember to dial “9” before you call 911.
How do I report an incident and which types of incident must be reported?
Please review Reporting Procedures
Which protocols should be followed during a building evacuation?
Please review our Emergency Management guide procedures
Which protocols should be followed during a Shelter-in- Place?
Please review our Emergency Management guide procedures
Which Protocols should be followed during an Active Threat Lockdown?
Please review our Emergency Management guide procedures
What protocols should be followed as a result of Hold and Secure (an off-campus threat such as a chemical spill)?
Please review our Emergency Management guide procedures
Meetings & Room Bookings
How do you book a meeting room?
Meeting rooms can be booked on Outlook using the Room Finder on the Meeting tab. Since we are a growing college, occasionally room booking can be challenging. So, try to book rooms well in advance of the meeting date.
How to book a room using Outlook 2013
Open Outlook.
Click on Calendar in the bottom bar and find the date you want to reserve a room on.
Next, find the specific start time under that date.
Click the New Meeting button on the ribbon menu at the top right
Beside the Location box, click the "Rooms…" button
Find your room on the room list.
Once you have located your room, highlight it and click OK
Double check to make sure that your date, start, and ends times are correct
You can check to be sure that the room is open for your date/time request by clicking the Scheduling Assistant link. Any conflicts will show up there as a dark blue bar.
Fill in the subject line.
Click the Send button
You will receive an automatic response and the room will appear on your calendar.
If a meeting needs to be catered, whom do I contact?
While the vast majority of meetings at the college are not catered, occasionally there will be a meeting with external stakeholders or late at night that you will want to cater. The College has an agreement with Chartwells that all catering at the College is done by Chartwells.
Click link to set up an account and order from Chartwells.
Cancellations should occur 24 hours prior to the event. Orders should be placed a week in advance.
Annual College Events
What events help the public learn about Conestoga programs?
Spring Open House occurs every year in March. It allows prospective students who are deciding which program or which college they should attend the opportunity to come to Conestoga and experience a program session and hear directly from their potential teachers, program coordinators and current students.
Students, parents (and new faculty/staff) can:
- view student projects
- experience labs, classrooms and shops
- check out student resources and services
- ask questions to students, faculty and service representatives
- tour the campus and residence
- apply and/or confirm to a Conestoga program
- meet with Executive Deans, Chairs and service representatives at information booths
Two other public events occur annually: College Fair (October) and Open House (November).
An Educational Pathways Fair takes place in January which provides current (and prospective) students information about degree and post graduate certificates offered at Conestoga College. Other educational institutes are also invited to participate.
The Marketing Department organizes these events. For more information, contact Kim Crackel, Event and Tour Coordinator x 2383 or via email at kcrackel@conestogac.on.ca
What events are there for employees at the College?
There are a number of opportunities for staff to spend time together during the year. For example, each year there are:
- Welcome Back BBQ (early September)
- Alumni Golf Tournament (September)
- Employee Recognition Awards
- President’s Holiday Drop In (December)
- E3 Conference (June)
What are KPIs?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are undertaken by Ontario’s colleges in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The three surveys ask about student satisfaction, graduate satisfaction/employment, and employer satisfaction. To view a copy of the 2015-2016 survey instrument, select the Institutional Research link under the My Communities tab when you are logged into myConestoga and look in the KPI Reports folder (KPI Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey Instrument ) or contact Institutional Research at institutionalresearch@conestogac.on.ca
These Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provide important insights into Conestoga’s strengths and help identify areas where improvements can be made. The annual KPI surveys are just one of the quality assessment mechanisms we use to gauge our success and improve program quality.
The KPI Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey is done in June, November, and February. The February survey cycle is considered to be the “formal” survey period when the majority of students will participate. The June survey cycle is used for programs that are two semesters in length but their sequence is Winter/Spring vs. the traditional Fall/Winter. Some programs that are sequenced in an accelerated format may also make use of the June survey cycle. The November cycle is intended for Co-op programs or those that have a Clinical/ Field Placement in the February timeframe. It's also used for two-semester programs with a Spring/Fall sequence.You will receive an email telling you the exact dates and if your class has been selected for administration of the survey.
What happens during the KPI administration?
A volunteer will come to at the start of class and administer the survey. Plan to allow up to 30 minutes for the survey. Faculty can stay in the room as the students are not evaluating you.
No test, guest speakers or field trips should be scheduled at the time of the KPIs. Do not have any student presentations planned that will make the students feel they need to rush.
For specific KPI questions or concerns, contact Connie Phelps x2746 (cphelps@conestogac.on.ca)
Who are the KPI volunteers?
Each year in December or January, a request is made to all staff for volunteers to help administer KPI surveys in approximately 200 classes. Volunteers are trained on how to administer the survey in late January and then in early February each volunteer administers surveys to approximately two classes.
Faculty volunteers will not be asked to administer a survey in a class that they teach.
Information for Support Staff
Job Descriptions & Performance Appraisals
Do I have a job description?
All jobs staffed by full-time employees have job descriptions called Position Description Forms (PDF). You should have already seen your PDF as part of the interview process.
As part of your orientation to the College, you will review your PDF with your manager who will forward a signed copy of it to HR where it will be stored in your confidential employee file. Be sure to keep a copy of it for your own records. For more information about PDF’s, see Article 7.2 of the Support Staff Agreement.
What is probation? How long does it last?
All support employees are on probation for the first six months of their employment at Conestoga. This probationary period provides the College and the employee with time to determine whether there is a fit between the two. At the end of a successful probationary period you become a permanent member of the College community.
When are performance appraisals conducted?
During your probation period, you will have a performance appraisal after three months and at the end of your probation period (six months).
Upon successful completion of your probation period, you will have a performance appraisal every two years after that.
Support Staff Union
What is the Support Staff Union at the College?
Support staff are members of the Ontario Public Service Employees Local 238 Support Staff Union. Your local union president is Vikki Poirier and can be contacted through the Local 238 Union Office at ext. 3518.
What is the College Employer Council?
The Council is the bargaining agent for the 24 Ontario colleges in negotiating collective agreements with unionized staff. In addition, the Council provides a variety of services for the college system such as advice on human resource issues, collective agreement administration, benefits administration and research. Each college board determines the terms and conditions of employment for non-unionized staff.
How do I get a copy of the Support Staff Collective Agreement?
You will receive one from HR as part of your initial benefits information session.
You can also access this on the College Employer Council website or myConestoga>Human Resources>Support Staff>Support Staff Collective Agreement
What is the vacation entitlement for support staff?
Your accrual for the current vacation year is included in your offer letter. Vacation entitlement is detailed in Article 11.1 of the Support Staff Collective Agreement.
For the first six years of your tenure at the College, you are entitled to 15 working days of vacation/year. After that, you will accrue additional vacation days for continuous service up to a maximum of 30 working days/year after 25 years of continuous service.